Tfw nobody ever used Ecdysterones and they are getting banned because they actually work.

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How much of this stuff is actually in spinach? I've been eating a fuck ton of spinach and my gains have been blowing up. I wonder if there is a correlation

They are popular in brazil for some reason
Found out when most of the youtube results I got were from brazilians

Monitor my farts, bitch.

>Prof. Parr adds that the participants who took a low dose of the supplement received two pills of ecdysterone daily, which is the equivalent of anywhere between 250 grams (g) and 4 kilograms (kg) of spinach, depending on the quality of the plant.

>So, to reap the benefits of such a low dose, a person would have to consume 250 g to 4 kg of spinach every day for 10 weeks. To mimic the high dose in the study, a person would have to consume anywhere between 1 and 16 kg of spinach every day for 10 weeks.

>s.o.i. phytoestrogens don't do anything silly Zig Forumscel
>but bugtest is tooooooo dangerous


So I had been doing some research on this recently and figured I’d give it a try at least at low levels. And by give it a try I mean consume a lot of spinach for 10 weeks. My local mega mart sells spinach in 11oz (310g) containers and I’ll try to eat a container a day for 10 weeks. I’m currently through 2 days. I would do more but it’s physically difficult to eat this much spinach. I’ll take before and after body shots though and see what I get to.

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>physically difficult to eat this much spinach
I eat 250g of spinach in 1 meal along with other vegetables and meat and barely notice it's there and I'm an average size guy, could definitely eat double that per day

I’ve just eaten it by hand out of the box by itself in one 30 minute period thus far

why don't you have it with a meal bro, would make it more enjoyable and you could eat more

Yeah I can refine my method

would steaming it or something to reduce it's size and make it easier to it fuck up the nutrients and 'damage' the spinach in some way? I feel like steaming it for a while would make it so easy to eat.

I watched a video that said steaming it “reduces its nutrients by 11%” and that “cooking it completely reduces by 90+%” i don’t know if that includes ecdysterones, or exactly what that means anyway

fucking natties are hilarious, always seeking these magic pills to boost your test production,eating tons of spinach lol, what are you all going to come up with next?

steaming reducing spinach size by a lot yeah, makes it way easier to eat. Would probably lose some of the nutrients but not much, you only need to steam it for like 5 mins

I mix 125g of frozen spinach with a cup of orange juice and a tiny bit of water and then blend that shit up. As long the spinach is frozen you can hardly taste it and it's actually a pretty nice drink.

Attached: eats your spinach.webm (638x332, 2.96M)

And I have one with breakfast and one with dinner.

the animation is so nice

actually not a bad idea

250g of spinach is not an impossibly large amount

What the fucking happened to western animation, bros?

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Depending on the cultivar, spinach is 70-90% water.
Could we cheat extra spinach in our diets by adding spinach powder to shakes? A 25g scoop would equate to at least 100g, possibly 200g of fresh spinach.

Not using drugs and actually being healthy about it is far more beneficial than potentially fucking up your organs and ruining your health long term. We know your impulsive so please reply like the retard you are.

>beneficial than potentially fucking up your organs and ruining your health long term

You do know any roider with half a brain monitors their bloodwork right? You also know that you're not supposed to go back on cycle if your bloodwork isnt good right?

One piece really upped their animation budget.

Getting bloods done won't have your fertility and I don't believe for a second that more than 5% of frauders actually get bloods done

bro if you want to do this you gotta find a costco.
I can buy a 10lb bag for like $1/lb

don't eat raw spinach dude.

>Getting bloods done won't have your fertility

Just take some HCG if you're worried about fertility

>I don't believe for a second that more than 5% of frauders actually get bloods done

pretty irrelevant, the fact that most roiders dont do bloodwork is irrelevant, you can do it the smart way if you want

it said for good quality spinach.
and that was the low dose in the trial.

>lol just inject this hormone to save your sperm from the other hormones you injected
This is your mind on the childlike insecurity of pinners

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