Zig Forums ideals thread
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Ideals Thread
>Zazie Beetz
Excellent taste user
*clears throat*
can't get more badass than a ripped school principal
Why are you black? Does God hate you?
pretty much the same as yours but with Romero's physique
yeah I'm the one God hates, says the user with a crippling porn addiction. Fuck outta here, cracker
Is this Jaquan from state farm mode?
Nice projection, nigger. Have you ever even met your dad?
You would do well to keep them big lips from flapping, boy.
Yup, my biological parents are still alive and married and love each other.
How's your incest porn and anime collection coming along?
What are you gonna do, cracker? Shave your head and LARP?
post the template
You know he's right though.
Keep projecting with that 85 IQ and non-existent credit rating. Hope you don't get pulled over and ventilated, you insecure drain on society.
Too basic and melanized but at least you're sticking to your own, so no anti-dinduism from me. But that female, is this really considered good looking by your kind?
You will never be a real woman, you mentally ill freak.
Based tastes my brothers. Mine would be similar but with a different body and shorter hair without curls in them.
Is this a crazy tradwife or a delusional tranny?
post blank template
A trad wife would never enter a nigger thread except to insult them.
Google's free
They kind of did.
Pretty sure a functioning uterus would indicate otherwise.
Why would you insult a negro for exiting and obviously trying to not be a nigger? If you can get them to be sane and usefull, instead of tard farm equipment, they might actually go back. They are a symptom, not the cause of our problems.
>Google's free
Is that even a question??
That's an ugly tattoo you stupid whore