How the fuck are zoomers so strong?

This 18 year old kid just squatted over 900 pounds. Wtf are they putting in zoomers food to make them so strong?

Attached: squat kill.gif (354x338, 1.12M)

Oh no what the fuck is wrong with him he's gonna die in 3 years.


he looks fat

Why the fuck do fit dyels always bring up someones weight and go past the insane weight they lifted. No shit you aren't going to be squatting over 900lbs at 18 years old and be lean.

More importantly, how does this fucker only deadlift 317kg

Some people are insanely strong as teenagers. Genetics and shiet. Get them in a good powerlifting gym and shit like this happens. Good for him

t. squatted 5pl8 in first year of weightlifting in highschool just dicking around

>that screaming

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900lb squat at 18 years is much more than just "good genetics". thats legit genetic anomaly

>squatted 5pl8 in first year of weightlifting in highschool just dicking around

You were doing kneebenders not actual squats

Thanks, I really enjoyed the ear raping screeching of the goblina.

Also why is his squat so much better than his deadlift?

just better leverages for squat and does it more

this, the biggest gorilla on my hs football team squatted 500ish 1rm

It's all genetics, I started squatting on my 13th birthday, by the time I was 14 I squatted 8 plates ass to grass

its harder for fatties to deadlift than it is for them to squat

Because life is a marathon, and shitty health has long-term implications.

The fleeting glory of a single lift for example may not be worth fucking yourself up to achieve.

post body

A) I have the same question. Are kids evolved past us or something? I used to to impress people with my lifts and now they're even better and yet kids these days call me a beginner.
B) How the fuck is he moving such weight on those reverse bowlegged sausages he calls a lower body?

lot's of super heavyweights squat more than they deadlift cos they can't get into a good starting position due to their body size/shape

Lion vs sheep

The kid is 300lbs at 5'10 and has been steadily focusing on powerlifting most of his teenage life it looks like. It's impressive but it's not otherwordly has a good point looking at his deadlift, he's got a good squatting build. His bench impresses me more. He's at the best age to go ballsdeep on hardcore strength training but the real question is how much longer or further can he push it? If he can keep it up into his 20's that's when it becomes an anomaly

Lul okay user, I also trained at a local gym owned by a national record setting powerlifter then too. I was better at deadlifting anyways but if it makes you feel better I never got further than 325 on bench even at 220lbs. This was about 14 years ago too and I swear food quality was higher

As they should be. They're beginning with resources greater than we've had for most of our lives

>life is a marathon

Easier access to steroids than ever before

Steroids nigga

>They're beginning with resources greater than we've had for most of our lives
True. I had to coach myself and use medieval looking weights and protein and pwo that tasted like mud. Good to see the kids making good use of the society we built them.

Human lifespan is like 80 years?
You don’t want to wreck yourself

Im not saying don’t try your best etc, but its worth thinking about long term consequences of Obesity or Drug use etc


The case for thinking about your long term health and fitness is clear when humans live so long. Im not saying not to try hard, simply to do things safely

Lmao at the bench press you can see his shrimp dick from steroid abuse xD

>Human lifespan is like 80 years?
On average. From all the relative I know who died so far, one died at 101, another at 97, another at 64, another at 45, another at 25, another at 89, another at 50 and another at 30.

>those screaming retards
desu the lift is impressive but outside of the gym he's just a fat guy

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Poor guy
Ruining his life and health for a sport no one cares about and with literally no money involved

>whale vs sheep

I agree with what user said here I'll stand by that, here is my body. Live to age well.

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