Is this purely Zig Forums shit or true?

Is this purely Zig Forums shit or true?

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It's true desu

It's 100% true
I just turned 30 and managed to succefully "selfimprove". I can get hot girls now but it's pointless because I'm permanently damaged

Pretty close to the truth, however, many people could be in the range of "normal" if they fixed a few things here and there and had a bit more self-awareness.

clearly not because it's a blue board

This post is off-topic.

College football player is doing a lot of training compared to the average guy.

It's undoubtedly true
I am a self improover and the only time I've had a woman actually ask for me to fuck her (still didn't because of tism) was after I
>Grew a Minoxidil beard
>Autistic obsession with lifting
>having to actively learn how to dress
This is also why Chads will sleep 3 hours a night during puberty and still end up 6'5, smoke, drink and have everything from a perfect hairline to perfect teeth, skin and a death at 90 years old with your dream wife

if you think all success comes without effort youre retarded and gay

Being an athlete means you are born with natural athletic gifts and also being a winner, which is naturally gifted. Your average Zig Forums gymcel would never come close to being a collegiate athlete regardless of how much time is spent self improving

100% true.

He just did the same things people here do except for the fact that he didn't know why it worked.
He got ripped through training.
He had status for pursuing a popular sport and winning at it
He listened to his bros who told him to "just ask her out"

The only difference here is that the internet autists nitpicked WHY it works instead of just mindlessly applying

If anything we have an advantage because intimately understand how people and women work instead of just being lucky

This is also true, even the ugly fucks at my school just mindlessly listened to their instincts and asked girls out and fucked girls. I swear to god most lonely retards here (myself included) have undiagnosed autism which makes them overanalyze shit rather than just literally go with the flow

There's SOME truth to it. A lot of men these days have ended up outcast weirdos, and yes, that's going to make you fundamentally different from the mindless flow follower. That's fine. Just be aware of it and work with it.

The life he describes in that post is the same kind of life that ends with a lot of men feeling unfulfilled and empty. This is why many men end up with everything you're supposed to want; house, wife, well paying job, kids, etc...

And then become alcoholics. Or cheat. Or blow their brains out. You can feel unfulfilled at any level in life. Hobos kill themselves. So do millionaire playboys. If some anonymous Zig Forums poster is making you doubt yourself and your future, it's because you're not working hard enough. Action is the cure for all doubt. You can't end up the same sort of person as someone who had a normal life if that's not what you had, but that doesn't mean you can't end up fulfilled. Go take action instead of looking to anons for reassurance.

Yeah its true unfortunately mate. I dont know what makes us the way we are but at least we have here to communicate

its true but doesn't mean outcasts shouldn't try to self improve sometimes you just have to work much harder than others to get something that others find quite easy to get. Life isn't fair but you still have try to live everyday to the fullest.

I think the point the image is trying to make is that a genetic success will be drawn to athletic sports naturally instead of actively making the decision to pick up a sport to improve.

He didn't have to know why it worked and he didn't have to analyze shit, because people overwhelmingly reacted positively to him. The reason he does not fear rejection is not that he does not overthink the situation, it's that the concept of rejection is foreign to him, it is not an expected outcome.

Listen to this guy. Very wise post my friend. We will all make it.

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Some people can't see where they are, or have a sense of how they appear. Many so called "self-improvers" feel like their work will automatically get them what they want, or they will focus solely on the physical dimension while neglecting to learn how to talk like a human.

This is the complete truth for anyone who does not exist in the social hiarchy. Losers hang out with losers and winners hang out with winners. If you don't have a social life why? You have no excuse to not have one besides something fundamentaly being wrong with you, since you would just get a ugly girlfriend if you were ugly. Something is fundamentaly wrong with you if you need to constantly try to improve.

>If you don't have a social life why?
I'm a ghost. I don't fit in with the losers because they're too cringey/their cope is pathetic (usually some form of sour grapes, or fooling themselves) but I don't fit in with the winners because despite fixing a lotta problems I had as a kid, I missed out on normal development and still have never really been able to just "get it". I've just gotten so good at faking it that I seem like a normalfag to most people, but I can tell they smell that something's just slightly "off". A couple times though, I've admitted I was a virgin to some friends and their response was "wait really?" which makes me think I've kinda made it (as in, I'm not obviously a virgin, since I don't act like one (insecure/awkward/desperate/timid/etc)). I just come off as I honestly am: carefree, chill, not up my own ass, all that good stuff.

Yeah, goy, completely true, stop lifting and give ul, stop lifting, it's pointless and you're a genetic deadend, STOP LIFTING

Dunno about an advantage pretty sure we all know who we would rather be

Are you living in a 80'ies high school movie by any chance?

Why do you care? You HAVE to be the best version of yourself for YOU, it doesn't matter what other people say.

true. only in hs or earlier can a girl truly love you.

probably true for american consoomers who watch too many highschool movies and shows

my loneliness is self imposed though.

itd swap out genetics with childhood and environment you grew up in and thatd be sorta true but that mentality is pretty fucking retarded, youre btter off just killing youself

No one here was born ripped, even highschool athletes stop doing sports after school sometimes and don't look as good. Depends on if you make the decision to take care of yourself

It’s 100% true, anyone who says otherwise is literally copeing

That said, this is something you can acknowledge, but is pointless to dwell on, life is unfair, you either deal with it and move on, or kill yourself.

Pure r9k. This bait only works on loners who don't keep up with their high school peers. If you did, you'd know what happens to the guys like this after high school. There are life lessons you just don't learn if you are too busy being happy and loved.

Here’s what I mean by copeing.