"Fasting is a me-"

>"Fasting is a me-"

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Well what kind of fast did he do? Intermittent? Water? Snake juice?

Wow! Are you trying to tell me that diet and exercise will help you get in shape?
Zig Forums delivers again.

Apparently it was OMAD 23:1.

You can ABSOLUTELY drop 16kgs with no fasting needed in that 8 week timeframe
Fasting is not some kind of scientific breakthrough, retards

Fasting is great for losing weight, but if you don't learn to count & manage your calories, you'll just get fat again.

Also, while you fast, you either need to consume electrolytes, or remain essentially 100% sedentary for fasts longer than 48.
Otherwise you'll fuck your shit up and feel terrible.

And lastly, you need to be careful what you eat when you break your fast.
Eating shit foods after a 48+ hour fast will fuck you up.

t. down 40lbs in 6 weeks so far from fasting
currently 78 hours into a 120 hour fast

feeling good mang

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>down 40lbs in 6 weeks so far from fasting
H-holy shit

Is it possible to learn this power?

yeah but this is way more than 16kg.

>suck in belly fat

jesus fucking christ the cope.

Please explain your method

i fucked up, i meant 40lbs in 10 weeks, my bad
no clue how i made that mistake ahhhhh
in my first 6 weeks i went down roughly 15-25 lbs? not sure

What foods are you eating when you break your fast?

holy shit look at that kid go hes schmoovin

rolling 72s helped me lose the fastest amount of weight possible, but i changed to 23:1 intermittent fasting + CICO so i could keep training hard

i have a huge cheat day every one or two weeks, it seems to help maintain a fast metabolism

>actually thinks op is sucking in belly fat
legitimate retardation, hardest form of cope i've seen

i normally break my fast with a small serving of some grapes, watermelon, an apple maybe
then a few hours later i have regular food

one time i ate way too much on a refeed, and shit myself, lmao

he's still fat though, and he'll relapse to morbid obesity easily.
his body was designed to absorb. he will have to be fasting for the rest of his life, or start consuming low cal density foods and actually live normally

Fasting and not moving is the worst thing you could do for your muscle retention.

is OMAD a decent idea for me if I already go long periods without eating? oftentimes I'll have a coffee or tea in the morning and then not eat until dinner and have a second meal late at night. Thinking that maybe I should just make dinner bigger and cut out the other meal so Im not eating so close to when I sleep.


go for it

>remove slouch
>add flexing, lighting, angles
Yes he progressed but this is misleading

lmao the way Zig Forums bloatlords SEETHE about fasting is so gd funny
what a bunch of fat asses


The skinnier pics are photoshopped to clean up excess skin/fat and also the week numbers are arbitrary, this is literally physically impossible to do in less than 2 months.

This retarded shit is excellent motivation for newbs but look for the photoshop lines. His arm looks weird and so does the skin around his love-handles.

I doubt that

That's not long enough. I actually tested myself with ketostix. I know it only measures acetoacetate and not beta-hydroxyburtyric acid but it looks like they're linearly correlated in me (this isn't always the case). It takes about 36 hours to reach a fairly deep ketosis and more like 60 hours to get properly deep. Last time I did roughly 60-72 hour fasts over the weekend and regular eating weekdays. I think I'll try 72 hour fasts followed by one large (2-3000kcal) meal with moderate carbohydrates next time.

Electrolytes as in just add salt to the water?

has fasting causes hairloss been deboonked

No, fasting can cause hair loss. As can anything else that deprives you of necessary micronutrients for long enough. Obese women lose their hair too because they eat nothing but golden arches.

yeah, look up snake juice
kek, as a former bloatlord, it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you're a fat fuck food addict who needs to lose weight
it's a tough pill to swallow if i'm being honest


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