Used to be 6'0

>used to be 6'0
>now 5'10


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>>used to be 6'0
>>now 5'10
Because you're 2in shorter than you were before

Probably measurement error.

you measured yourself wrong in the past

you didnt drink enough water so a bit of you evaporated.

Constructed for Strong White men, to create a new generation of strong, healthy white children with stable financial backing

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Not OP, but even doctors with professional height measuring tools tell me different things.
>188cm at doc A
>186.5cm at doc B
>190cm at doc C
I bet it’s nothing more than a slight measuring error/difference and how compressed my spine is that day.

Do an average, retard

Imagine getting that foot pregnant

>implying I don’t

who is this semenmancer

>that protrusion on the side of the foot
Looks like it's already pregnant.

It's back to the manlet pit for you

ruined the entire thing

squats and diddlys


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He fell for the squat meme :'D


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Those soles look absolutely disgusting, what's the problem with footfags

because you're a coombrain


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what about them looks disgusting?
not a footfag, but its just feet

Why does this shit make me laugh every time. It’s so accurate.

ass and tits aren't even a fetish

>used to be 5'9
>now 3'11


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based pic. mind if I save it?

>those orange heels
bitch got thyroid problems

pretty sure it's because of gingerism

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