>be me >about 15~16 with shit confidence >decide to pack on muscle to combat confidence issues >dedicate next 3 years only training eating and sleeping >get jacked >social issues dont get better in fact it got worse >people seem to be kinda scared of me
bros what do? it probably doesnt help being a brown, having bad acne and never smiling. is there a way i can fix this?
>people seem to be scared of me God I wish that were me.
Dylan Bailey
smile, be white, dont have acne
Lincoln Howard
holy shit no its heart crushing seeing girls change side of the road cuz they see you
Easton Bennett
You'd rather have them crash into you?
Dylan Ross
Just dress like a nigger, get tattoos and get big Women and old people cross the street when they see me coming
Robert Williams
>user realizes that muscles don't fix your inner autism
Cameron Sullivan
>bros what do? it probably doesnt help being a brown, having bad acne and never smiling Are you retard not to include that now you look like a buffed up orc
You look amazing! If people seem afraid of you, try cultivating a more fun presence. Dress fun, maybe some novelty tees, smile more, relax, and show off you body, maybe get a little flirty.
>people seem to be kinda scared of me yea nigga no shit if i saw you irl id be scared too
Brody Bailey
It has helped my work ethic significantly, my overall mood and my lifestyle. I have become addicted to cold showers and haven't missed a day in about 5 months now and I religiously follow my exercise routine at least 4 days a week, including gym visits.
Isaac Brooks
This. If you look like that and still act like the gloomy skinny weird kid people are gonna be intimidated by you and not in a good way. Be a big jolly motherfucker user
Samuel Rodriguez
I find it disturbing that this frogtech is way more jacked than me.
Aaron Ortiz
Any more pics? I am mirin' hard right now bro. No homo
Ryder Wilson
Now I'm sorta fit but still ugly and dumb, so idk
Justin Hughes
fat retard
Angel Edwards
happened to me as well. Started at 14 because skinny-fat porn addicted gamer-pleb. Now, after 5 years, I look like a jacked Eastern-European love-child of Chris Pratt and a neo-nazi. I have yet to feel the true warmth of a woman...
Skinnyfag cope This dude looks better than 95% of the anons on this board
Asher Cox
Some options OP. >Download tinder >Travel >Make "party friends" and party >Basically smash as much as you can, no matter how ugly it gets. It will reset your autism and allow you to start behaving like a normal person. After that phase you can go back to being a boring dude but with some people skills.
Isaac Foster
Bro, open up /cbt/ and tell me this ogre-mode GOMAD retard looks better than 95% of the dudes in there
Christian White
Dudes that post in cbt are like 5% of people on fit However, op is a bit too fat for my taste, but big up for huge arms
Connor Sullivan
/cbt/ has to be the gayest thread on this board at any given time it’s instagram. it’s guys with good bodies posting for validation from strangers on the internet
Benjamin Torres
I posted there in order to get advice on improving myself. Not because i wanted to show off, i don't look good enough to brag, but i also just don't want to hate my body anymore
Owen Reyes
I'd suck that user's dick any day no homo
Cameron Adams
What's shaking Rambo, how's the PTSD?
Nathan White
You're really attractive OP, even if you don't know how to take pictures for shit. Love those traps
Carter Parker
Post body nigger
Caleb Brown
post routine please literally my goal physique
Luke Jenkins
>bros what do? it probably doesnt help being a brown, having bad acne and never smiling. Fuckkk, I know that feel. Here's what I did when I started dating:
>take care of the acne, stop drinking fat free milk and whey protein. Replace with lactaid milk and whole milk green yogurt >grow hair out and go to a good barber. Barber schools is something I would recommend. Just make sure you take a pic of what you want. >buy some fitted clothes, don't look like pic related because that's an automatic pussy repellant, trust me. Buy fitted jeans, DO NOT BUY BOOTCUT JEANS, and clothes that actually fit you, and if you wear glasses then buy some stylish frames.
I've just gone full volcel until next summer and embraced the scary look until then. I hate people and women now.