Im a 30 year old virgin femcel, and my brother is a chad with a family.
I have a nephew who is a cute boy, and I have been thinking about farting on his nose.
I gave him a soft 5 minute over the lap spanking before and he thought it was a joke, and didnt tell.
we have a good relationship and I would never touch his private parts or take his clothes no matter how bad the urges gut I would cut my hands off first.
But I have been wanting to fart on his nose/face, I just wanted to fart on him no undies, asshole to nose 5 minute fart session.
He will most likely think its funny because its farting, and then I will play with myself in the bathroom.
I dont think its that wrong but my urges to do it are killing me.
I could ask him if he wants me to do it more, then I would do it everytime I see him in private. I could leave on panties, and put on just a thong or a gstring, but that kind of kills the fun for me.
would it be that wrong or not? I just want to fart on him so bad and for my asshole to be on his face more than anything. I think putting my pussy on him might be molestation or too far, but a butthole never hurt anyone.
But I got my sex drive at 9. How is it fair for me.
Justin Foster
How is what fair for you? I don't follow your reasoning.
Parker Turner
Kill yourself. You're such an awful human that you've failed at even being a woman. Just kill yourself pedophile. You'll ruin that kids life.
Cooper Bennett
that I have urges but Im never allowed to act on them, even if he might like it.
Elijah Walker
Don't listen to these normalfags, based braaper op. Godspeed, follow your dreams and fart all over that little boy
Brody Collins
>asshole to nose 5 minute fart session. I know this is a larp, but if a person inhales nothing but farts for 5 minutes, they would suffocate and die from lack of oxygen.
hilarious. I'm not a fan of gore but I'd love for you to stream your suicide you fat, disgusting, degenerate sow failure of a woman.
Liam Davis
WHY YOURE A PIECE OF SHIT??????????????????????????
Wyatt Sullivan
He might like it now but he might feel violated when he grows up a bit. Children are not developed enough to give well thought out consent so you'll need to find someone your age or try to change your attraction to little boys through therapy.
Aaron Perez
>I could leave on panties, and put on just a thong or a gstring You could do this and let him pull it aside if he wants.
William Morales
Why so angry? why cant you live and let live, Im not hurting anyone?
Aiden Bell
For the love of god dont do it. You're out of your fucking mind and I hope this is a LARP.
Justin Lewis
Just give him a handjob and see if he wants to go further. I know for a fact that I would have given anything to fuck my aunt when I was a young lad
Blake Morgan
you wouldnt want a girl to do that to you if you were young?
Dylan Martin
was your aunt a morbidly obese fujoshit though?
Julian Harris
No. Even then, I don't see how a handjob could hurt
Kevin Jenkins
The sad thing is that you guys don't know this is a larp
Gavin Gutierrez
I have the urge to find you and light you in fire but I fight that
Chase Cox
if youre not too fat be my gf please
Nathaniel Bell
Do it, I'm sure he'll feel blessed to have been farted on.
Ethan Morales
"asshole to nose 5 minute fart session" is my new steam profile message
Nolan Ross
>this is how brap fetishists are born do it OP we need more brapposters
Juan Foster
Larp, there are no girls on the internet, let alone virgin as its practically impossible
Alexander Cox
this is normal and he'll just think you're being silly. eventually he'll be addicted to your scent and he'll be asking you to eat lots of icecream so you're gassier. that sounds good doesn't it?
Kayden Lee
This lost all credibility in the first 7 word
Connor Foster
I'm short can you do that to me? It'd be just like doing it to a kid. I'd eat your ass too.
Daniel Morgan
Please continue describing what you would do to him, even if this is a larp.