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Geeks #590
I fucking hate niggers. They are violent apes that rape and steal. Fuck niggers
I don't care what is said. I'm not wearing a goddamned mask in public. Unless I want to go rob a bank or it's Halloween...
Gatekeeping is a good thing. Change my mind
R9gay - #1079
Depressed images
W-Would you rape a petite fembot to see how it feels to fuck a virgin?
Why life is so boring?
Been talking to qt girl with mental issues for about a year
Ok Zig Forums what do u think of my bookshelf
Black women are femcels
What if it turns out that there is no God?
Mods, im trying to get banned from this garb board
It's spreading to Japan
I am fine accepting that Homosexuality and other perverse sexual orientations are natural, but what of pedophilia...
What is the ideal height and weight for a woman?
How the fuck do you morally justify eating meat...
Robots without psychotics levels of social anxiety/AvPD: how do you exist/what is your deal...
Would you say you're a good person, morally ?
What's stopping you from getting bleached black fembots...
I am bored someone please help
R9k be like
Honestly, why do women get involved with men if they have even an inkling of suspicion of them?
Is it ever okay to hit a fembot?
IIT act as newfag as you can
What's your personal stance on fapping to real child porn but not actually fucking kids?
Whats the real reason you arent getting laid?
Why are Asian women the biggest race traitors of all? I'm really curious
How have women reacted to you showing them your dick? Have they ever made fun of you? Or been in awe?
Men older than 16 are worthless
Brown femanons just want a white husband to come home to them. When are you going to stop being stubborn and racemix?
This is the guy calling you a cuck and a beta faggot
Improover thread
Why not settle for a girl who wants a ddlg lifestyle?
You have to be one of these 4 in a relationship, which one do you choose?
Reminder to all asian and black fembots that all the features that make you unattractive are because you are...
Fucked my gf on her period
Fembots, post an example of a male right now who you consider to be a 10/10 in terms of physical attractiveness
How was your high school life like user?
The red pill is pretty much dead, and it has been dead for quite a while...
Face is literally everything, if you've got a weird/creepy looking face then you're out of luck with women
Ideal gf thread
Tell me what is on your mind user
Belle Delphine is back with "eat my ass"
How does this make you feel? Honk Honk!!
Psychoanalyze me
I know I'm not a perfect woman. I have a lot of flaws and problems going on my life right now...
It's actually crazy this is true
She's literally the most important person in my life
Serious thread
How can we address sexual degeneracy?
How do people expect me to live as a terminal incel? I can't figure it how...
Harem thread
Femboy AMA
Me, 24 year old male khv
Honest question
African here. What do you want to ask me?
1 Year Anniversary
R9k tribal family
Will Pepe still be popular in three thousand years?
Tahlia she larps nazi
/r9gay/ - #1078
Inceldom and pity
Draw anything
Left or right? Just wondering what r9k would prefer
What does Zig Forums prefer, asian waifu or white girls?
Why you not taken the mdma pill yet r9k? Works (to cure social anxiety, depression, and ptsd) every time
Tfw imagining your bf having sex with your gf
Did any robots grow up with a sister? What was it like?
"Evan Pipta is 28, single and looks pretty good on paper: He has a job as a software developer...
Post a picture of what your ideal gf would look like itt
I just feel so helpless, how am i mean't to ever get a gf when i have so many better guys to compete with...
Hey white boy! Wanna be partners on this group project?
So user, are you not feeling well?
How do I cope with constant gender dysphoria?
Whatever happened to 25+ threads?
Has the entire fucking planet gone completely insane?
Why don't you fatties just stop eating? It feels good to lose weight
To fembots
Are there really male feminists?
You can either have an 8/10 non-virgin or a 4/10 virgin. Their personalities, interests, etc...
How did you stop being a sperg or at least manage to keep it under control? success stories only please
Fuck this shit. Dont fall in to the "robots need to smoke" meme...
Tahlia rants about abortions
Bianca devins died a year ago
Is Zig Forums finally becoming left leaning again now that the establishment in the USA is right wing?
Ldr gf of almost 2 months wont send me nudes or try to be sexual with me in the slightest
Are any of you dating an Asian girl?
What mobile games do you play?
I will never have a man pet. Why is life so cruel and mean??
Does marrying a non-virgin female make one a cuckold...
ISTPs are the biggest bullies because they not only outchad you but also outsmart you, fucking ego destroyers
Post comfy scenery to take your mind off things
The truth
/RSG/ RuneScape General
User, what's your best survival tip?
Femanons...What does have a "period" feel like? How painful/uncomfortable is it on a scale of 1 to 10...
Hey incels
How often do you overthink?
Are fujos based or cringe?
Why don't you just get yourself a racist, white trash gf from the deep south, user?
What was the moment that finally caused you to give up on your dreams?
Sup robots
Would you buy your own 3D Anime Waifu?
Everyone keeps saying girls like pic related are hyper liberal and open minded
Why is being my skin color a crime? Especially in the northeast...
/r9gay/ - #1077
Tfw ywn have a life like Scott Pilgrim
You Know What It Is
Weed copers are seriously the worst. This should be the other way
This is what a hard time for women is like
Why do people hate me for being trans? I can't help it
Let's design an anime girl!
What do normies get out of virtue signalling? Politics aside...
Where are your old oneitis's now?
Post your favorite cereal
I know hundreds of near-identical 'would you date a girl that [whatever]' posts are annoying but I'd really like...
Do femanons have brown pussies or pink pussies
Women have it so fucking easy
You wake up and you are now 5'6". What do?
Find an interesting thread
How can you tell if a girl enjoys your dick?
Do you think someone has ever masturbated thinking of you?
Meeting a Dominatrix
Tfw tested positive today
Ask questions
I'm done with these hoes
Why are autists not chads?
I am very smart
Write what comes to your mind, without any need to filter it. Express it as it comes
My 4 minute video has been processing for 8 hours on bitchute. Is this normal? How long should be expected?
Topped by Trans: Ask me Angthing
Just subscribed to her OnlyFans, ask me anything
Im leaving
I'm 20 today guys, it starts getting better now right?
Do people here have a Purpose in life ??
Men think with their dicks and ruin women mentally, physically, and emotionally
Are there any criminals on r9k? Why are you a criminal and what'd you do?
What is the secret behind the success of Pepe?
Crackhead Ciara thought she was completely invincible. Now she's a corpse
Why do some people think abortion is wrong? do they really believe the meme that every life matters?
This could be your daughter, white boy
Mating signals
Zig Forums makes a vidya game #4
Do I have a chance?
The only girl to ever show interest in you is a hardcore pornstar. Would you start a relationship with her?
Gaybots what does taking a cock up your butt feel like?
Any Chinese fembot preferably with bigger boobs looking for a Chinese robot bf...
Fembots of Zig Forums, this is what an 7-8/10 looks like
Women hate thread
Manlet general
If you could get an unlimited amount of one drug for life what would it be?
Why is it considered "creepy" when a white man is attracted to asian women?
Wasssuuuupppp Buddy user! Ready to drink some onions and play some nintendo?
It should be legal for adult men who missed out on teenage love to date underage girls
I think I'm done with voting
In Cuba, everyone is guaranteed healthcare, education and a house or apartment, even if they don't want to work
Why arent you part of the Riko Harem?
Robots what would you do if you looked like this for one day
Whats the most embarrassing thing you have done this year?
You can live your best life
Is mbti complete bullshit?
Bf and gf are both sleeping
Fembots, did you see your fathers cock often?
Why aren't girls as affectionate as I was led to believe?
Was 9/11 really the worst thing to happen?
/WPH/ Weak People Hate thread
Tfw no r9k stacey to chat with
Why do zoomers hate capitalism so much...
Femanons, which body do you prefer?
Tfw your bf doesnt wanna wear some feminine stuff
If it can happen to will smith it can happen to you
Tahlia she bates
If you woke up black, what would be the first thing you would do?
How do I kill 6 people and get away with it
I am a member of the Mormon church
Does a cartoon drawing of a cow being killed evoke any sadness or emotion in you?
Tfw no husky to talk back to me
"Zig Forums told you you were small?"
Why is Europe so much better then America? Why is America literally third world?
I fucking hate this site so much
Whining Thread
I'm dying
Trad girl
Tfw poverty
Why do women age so fast. I see 25 year olds getting wrinkles
Post the last thing that you came to
What's it like to be a white man with an asian girlfriend?
How smart are you? Tell me
Would you marry this person (she frequents /soc/) if she had your ideal traits in a woman (but looked like that)?
The girl i had a huge crush on in middle school and failed 4 times to date has an only fans
What are things on earth that you find to be beautiful
What does it feel having sex with a Femboy?
Virgin Thread
Everyone keeps telling me I'm being manipulated by my boyfriend
Hello Zig Forums. I am aware this board is full of autists, which is perfect
Hello Anons!
Does anyone else feel like their life is a lot shittier because they were born a boy?
Is science a meme?
Anyone else on here ever feeI jealous of female sexual pleasure and their capacity for having longer orgasms...
Am I the only one here who is not a racist?
Do guys seriously think we like chads?
Just a heads up for you r9k, because you're exactly the type of people they prey on...
Do w*m*n really?
Willy doctor /general/
Trump, aka Blumf failed his corona virus response...
Any robots ever paid for sex? is it as depressing as people claim it is or can it be enjoyable...
How the fuck do I lose weight? Im so ungodly hungry it hurts
You have been visited by RandyTaylor69's naked ass...
Who else has absolutely zero real life friends at all?
White genes are pased only through the males, it is not made up, search it, start having sex incels
If you see nothing wrong with eating meat...
Would you have sex with any of your cousins?
I am 20 years old and I have never kissed a girl
Shy girls make hard
How is your relationship with your sister(s)?
Rejected for being a spic again
What's got you feeling down lately, Zig Forums?
Funny Image Dump
Dude where's my hug?
/r9gay/ - #1076
Today I almost threw a rock to a group of teenagers that were walking around town...
I'm 30 years old and I've never had a girlfriend, kissed a girl, been on a date, or had sex
Posting a testing thread posted thread
Be sitting at my desk
Daily reminder that you'll never have a girlfriend, let alone an attractive one
Don't fall in love guys
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe it
Weekly Family Thread
Drugs+virginity+NEET life+aging has started to take a big toll on my mental health
Modest women are so fkin sexy
We're coming up to almost 6 months without beautiful angel ciara
Its just that easy
In your opinion, are these ladies overweight?
Just saw my female co-workers post Pepe on myspace
Tell me why you can't get a girlfriend, and i'll try to convince you your reasoning is bullshit...
Ask a happy transgirl anything. I'm one of the ones that worked out. So if you have any questions about daily life...
Gentle Femdom /gfd/ Thread
Are the alt right basically just leftists who hate blacks and Mexicans?
Why aren't you lactating yet fembots? I seriously see no reasonable justification for not lactating...
Is there a qt Chinese femanon like pic related on here?
Lets play a game
Why are men so naturally mean to other men who are submissive/quiet? Why? Is it a power thing...
25+ /Oldfriends/
Did I just kill myself?
Going out on a date tonight with a cutie, any tips for not spilling spaghetti and have sex?
I will never forgive white boomers for repealing anti miscegenation laws and legalising non white immigration into our...
Taking gf (female) applications
Fembots, why dont you just get Zig Forums?
How can i get a cock like this?
So when did you robots become an athiest?
My day's started ok, I guess. How about you guys?
Look here I'm a cute person doing nice things
Our society is full of hypocrisy
I wish I was a member of a femanon's harem
Rate my resume
Do girls think facesitting is weird?
Jews are really getting a taste of their own shit lately
Why do men never play hard to get?
Does anime attract the mentally ill, or are the mentally ill atracted to anime?
What's so good about Asian women? Most of them have flat faces, flat boobs, and a flat ass like pic related
Why do leftards have no competitive nature?
Is introverted emotional male doomed to be forever alone?
Honest question
The time i ruined a kids life forever
Why are women so hateable?
What does Zig Forums think of the BLM movement?
How do I stop getting this after long walks?
Have sex lee goldson
Tfw no Zig Forumstard bf to bully
Anyone else here just absolutely love their boyfriend?!
I Hate Being Seen as a Criminal by my Town
Tahlia greg thread
Does anybody truly care about any of us
Women love thread
Post rejection stories
Asian people of Zig Forums
Would you date a girl that spends 4-8 hours a day playing red dead online only doing horse riding and horse care?
I'm a high school boy living in south korea. last spring...
Metal Thread
What the actual fuck do normies talk about?
It's not right to hit a woman, even if she hits you first...
What is your most genuinely unpopular opinion?
I want to visit my father in prison and ask him if he still sees my screaming, crying face in his dreams
Ancestry thread
Currently on the come down of an LSD trip
What's it like to be a white man with an asian gf?
Getting drunk alone in my room again
Tfw all I've ever wanted in life is a strong mommy gf to hug and hold me, to share all my feelings with...
Hi robots. I grew my pubes out. Does this make me a "stacy" or an anti-stacy...
Does anyone else believe that men and the male brain are the only beings that matter in this reality?
I graduated with a 2.9 gpa
If anyone of you is canadian this is what your tax dollars are being spent on
I had lots of fun today
Why don't robots and fembots just FUCK?
I am filled with boundless rage
R9k, quarantine and my retarded ass fucked my body up. I lost around 7 kg in weight and im skelly mode right now...
What's the closest you've ever gotten to having sex?
Letter Thread
Gentle Femdom /gfd/ Thread
All men need to read this!
Is anyone here dealing with crippling OCD or OCPD?
God all i want is a clingy robot friend that will talk to me a lot, is that too much to ask?
You are locked in a room with a random but very attractive man/woman/trap (your choice) for 6 hours...
Am I the only one that has an ungodly hatred towards niggers...
I want to have sex so fucking badly, bros
If you could wake up tomorrow and your life was absolutely perfect, what would it look like?
Non-whites, what do you know about white people?
Finally connect with a woman for once in my life
With abusive mom
ywn fuck with a cute asian boi
After watching this, I have to ask. What chance do robots have for love and happiness?
Why do white women fuck their own children?
Download a bunch of realism mods for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim
Reminder height does not matter
Tfw no sex or love
I hate people who enjoy life
Take the real black pill
Can we talk about wayfair and related phenomena instead of crying about no gf?
Zig Forums makes a vidya game #2
Family is full of voluptuous, well developed, baby makers
How do I get a qt young gf with huge saggy breasts? Its my ultimate fetish...
I cant tell whats worse, people drawing loli hentai or the people jerking off to that shit. what you think??
/waifu/ - Waifu General #375
/r9gay/ - #1075
Is it worth it to get a rhinoplasty surgery?
Why don't women just lose the weight?
Do you have any pets right now, or have you had any pets in the past?
What cigs does r9k smoke?
Why are girls so bad at video games?
If you could turn into a monster and live alone in some desolate place, would you do it...
Just start doing a hobby bro and girls will like you
"wHy DoN't yOu Go On gRiNdR aNd gEt ToPpEd?"
Zig Forumspop Thread
I keep having thoughts of mass murder along with suicide what do i do?
Do you care whether a girl orgasms or not during sex?
I'm a virgin but I kinda want to suck a dick??? What do
That Grindr topped shit is a psy op and its fucking sickening...
Who /goodlooking/ here?
Do fembots like bear mode guys?
Bored femanon here. Tell me why you can't get laid or find a girlfriend and i'll tell you why its bullshit
Saw some teenager the other day (must've been 15 or 16) wearing these type of tight shorts while waiting at the cashier...
Do you like Japanese women more than other Asian women?
Do Latinas like white guys at all?
Zig Forums makes a vidya game - #1
Women don't actually go to the bathroom, do they?
There is literally no point to being alive when you are an actual 1/10 female...
What is your opinion on round Latina booty?
Get 8 hours of sleep
How do you cope with the fact that you'll never meet a cool qt girl on the internet who you befriend and eventually...
Had a 50% chance to be born a girl
Let me tell ya, being a Slav and a robot fucking sucks and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
How do my fellow dicklets cope with the fact that you will never be able to satisfy a woman sexually...
I don't act cute despite being female. I think it's incredibly fake and gay...
Im literally obsessed with humongous tits
The biggest black pill is that girls will always flirt...
Are saggy boobs a turnoff for you?
Why shouldn't I just get a simple, easy job and play video games all day? Why should I care about job titles and stuff...
The 1250 project
Would you let a diagnosed autistic femanon who's sort of cute live with you?
Be coomer
What are some robot-approved Youtube channels?
/drugfeel/ -- illegal highs edition
As a brown femanon I just want a white husband who will be kind, but stern with me when I step out of line...
He keeps getting away with it
I have Down Syndrome, Stop Using it as an Insult
Would you date a girl that looks Iike this?
I think about suicide daily
How to get strong anons?
Tom N Jerry thread?
What's it like to be a white guy with an asian girlfriend?
Morning vocaroo thread?
I hate other white guys
Autism girls
Why do they get worshiped so much?
Why is this board full of such troglodytes?
40 year old NEET/Hikki
The last digit of your post determines how you act on Zig Forums for the rest of the day
Autistic Interests
Set up date with cute to teach her how to skate
Sigh on mic
How do I get an Asian gf as a white fembot? Does JBW apply to girls too?
Be honest, did this site actually affect your personality? I feel like it made me a little unstable
You wake up to this anime girl drooling all over your pillows. What do?
We're not even safe from our Stacy sisters
Literally all of you lmao, fucking retards believing in that kind of shit
Autistic guys
Been with MTF Women: Ask Me Anything!
This is the black bull Schlomo told us about
I did not know Kasper had such healthy breasts
Who else wants to die here
How does this make you feel, beta boy? Did you truly win in the end?
Good looking guys can't be ince-
The post that broke the brains of Twitter, Reddit, iFunny, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, /lit/...
Jesus, even being rich and famous isn't enough
How do you prevent your daughter from becoming a whore?
Who's giving these whores money?
Friends, parties, social experiences, sexual experiences with women my age, all the things a normal...
Most embarrassing experience in your life?
Why I have to marry a fembot:
Getting a girlfriend has become fucking impossible. Even getting laid has become impossible. I'm 6'3, look good...
Any other guys here gay/bisexual but chose not to have sex with men...
Never trust anyone. Never open up about your feelings. Never give away anything true about yourself. Just be alone
Kelly jelly bean ADDICTION GENERAL
Why do incels and feminists hate Jordan Peterson?
I see so many posts nowadays about the "blackpill," that fate is unchangeable and static...
Hello. I'm a demon from the other side of the firmament. What you may call the macroverse...
Just got my dick sucked and stroked and fucked my femboy
Ever shown your dick to someone? What are the reactions?
If you don't eat pussy you're not boyfriend materiaI
The age old question. Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?
Why don't you settle for a skater gf, user?
Noticed a disparity in behavior between the black and white patrons of a local dentist's office...
Why are women so much against everything primal and sexual they love and yearn for deep down...
25+ general
I saw a girl post a Pepe, is it mainstream and cringe now?
Going To Lose My Virginity
Why do men stare at women but never do anything?
Please give a rational moral justification for eating meat...
What do you usually do when you catch women looking at you like this? What's the code, what should you do...
I know this is a tranny board so I was hoping you guys could translate this for me. What does it mean?
Are we doomed? Have we "peeked" already years ago, and now new generations are slowly killing humanity
Your average Asian American woman would rather fuck the guy on the left than the guy on the right...
Mom doesn't want me to leave
When will genetically engineered nekos/kitsunes become available as pets? I'm so fucking lonely I need mine NOW
/r9gay/ - #1074
Femanon tell me about your shotacon fetish
Sex is unavailable to you
To my future robot bf
My hobbies? well, uh... I play video games and post on Zig Forums a lot
Why do trannies love this show so much?
I have no one to talk to so i will make this post
Is Cuba really that bad of a country...
How old are you and how much hope do you still have of finding love?
Imagine wanting to have sex...
What is your favorite scary/horror movie?
Today is the end of my 4th week at my new job, and I have yet to actually do any work, yet I'm still getting paid
Day one of nofap and
Why don't you just find an simple shitty job like McDonald or some shit and save up and move to countries like Thailand...
Why do so many Asian women have flat asses?
Would you rape if your chance of getting away with it were a 100%?
Is a girl having brown nipples a turnoff for you?
Hello, time traveller from 2245 here! AMA
Looking to move
Depressed images
How does it feeI to have this?
Alright I don't give a fuck anymore, fuck you jannies I'm going for it. Don't give a fuck if anyone roasts me...
All memes aside, do you fear death?
Have you guys ever bothered to simply ASK women why they prefer the guys they do?
Never forget that, bros
If you had a Death Note, how would you use it?
She can't legally give consent because she's 17 years and 11 months old
How do I respond when a butthurt femanon tells me to "have sex"?
Spend Less Time on Politics
Tulpa Thread
R9k, how do i find an art hoe gf?
Why do people hate Jordan Peterson so much?
Comfy Feet General
Fembot thread
Blowjob discussion thread
Will male alienation ever be addressed?
Be honest. If she took you home and you were making out, and she gave you head then took her pants off...
What kinds of people do you hate with a venomous, corrosive hatred?
Why are American so self-centered...
Where the fuck did all the real NEETs and KHVs go?
L'm very depressed
Letter Bread
/drunk thread/ 40s and 90s rap edition...
What do girls unironically smell like?
What if sjws are right???
The Government of your country passes a bill requiring all NEETS to adopt orphaned children and raise them as single...
I want to self harm via burning, what's the best way to do it? I have a lighter...
I don't believe most people here have mental illness...
Are you a Stacy or are you a femcel?
What do you think gives worth to a human being? What makes one worthless or of worth?
Clock out, finish first day as delivery driver last night
I think posting this makes me the better person
User, how was your general experience with Highschool PE? Any funny stories?
A genie comes to you and ask you to choose ONE of these 3 wishes :
Tiktok might get banned in US
God I wish I was a girl. Why wasn't I born in a time where that's possible?
Choose 1 animal to gain his powers:
Ask sex from some tinder thot after messaging for a couple of days
Cannot stop thinking about it. It must feel so good
Women in australia are pigs. how is tinder in your country?
Sometimes a nap is just what you need to feel better
/MBTI/ ENTJ Edition
If cutting is wrong why does it feel so right?
Can anyone give me a good argument as to how BBWs / fat women are inferior to stacies and normie women?
How much are you ready to pay for a sex bot that looks fully human?
How is sugar not illegal?
Anime again
My little sister's Macbook wasn't working so she asked me to fix it. After fixing it...
Got pic related coming over tonight for $350 am I getting ripped off? Is Zig Forums experienced with prostitutes?
You may only post in this thread if you have ZERO friends. NONE. Friends havers stay the FUCK out
Your Mental State shown by image
Dicklet general
I see a lot of f*males posting shit like this on Facebook are they trying to turn men into women...
Tfw this was literally you
Fembots, if you vote for Joe Biden and he wins...
Do you fantasize about moving to Japan one day?
Stop dating white women. It's a form of self-hate
Who is your favourite killer?
Okay Robots, post your stats
I have heard that finding a trad qt gf is easy if you start going to and being active in a local church...
HeIo anyone want to talk
I'm an asian boy addicted to WMAF porn
Why even make a new life when you barely have anything to eat? wtf is wrong with these niggas?
Is it okay to fap everyday user?
Math Team vs Wrestling Team
No femanon e-girlfriend
Tfw no soft and twinkish robot to drizzle in honey and slowly lick clean
Female "homemaker" shaming thread
Be me
When women's self-esteem was discovered as a problem...
I drank too much again
Lurk crystal.cafe to see what girls want in a guy
Do you guys have a comfy job? Comfy as in it's not stressful and you're left to do what you're told, no deadlines...
In the mood to masturbate
Femanons, would you date or have sex with a trans man?
Where are all the real robots? Where have they gone? The ones who don't know what the fuck discord drama is about...
Best friend gets gf 4yrs ago
Gonna eat some CEREAL!!!!
Skele thread
/Rei general/
Any other femcels never even been catcalled before? i know it's technically a bad thing to have happen...
6 foot 5 or 195 cm
How do I kill myself right now with household items with minimal survival chance?
I hate Asian people so much. Smog breathing rat cooking gutter sludge munchers
/r9gay/ - #1073
Has anyone ever fancied you?
What are the girls like in your city? Home town?
Jatched a bird from am egg
Roll for your jailfu, you lonely fucks. Comment on what you think about her
Tulpa Thread
Males truly are scary. You never know which ones are animals with human skin. Philosophies, ideals, values...
White women are utter trash
Well, bigots?
My gf of 6 months is an international student and needs to borrow $3,500 USD to keep studying
Vocaroo rant
Fuck nepotism
He doesn't want to go watch the hockey game with me
Genital differences
Men don't even shave their own balls and expect women to suck on them yet have the audacity to get mad at women with...
Fuck discord
Relationship dealbreakers
It's their platform so they can do what they want with it
Match with girl
Why do vaginas do this when they cum?
Should I date a BPD girl?
A mysterious stranger hands you a coin
Your life is decided from the day you are born. Every about you is genetic, your mannerisms...
Based on your prime childhood era here (from ages 5-12), are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
Mensa Norway online IQ test
What do you fap to that you would never do irl? Pic related
Be honest, Zig Forums. Would you fuck a fat girl?
My bpd ruined another friendship
Queen Tahlia the Great
You will NEVER have a harem
ITT: post brutal skullmogs
Everytime i see a wannabe-breeder in here i shiver in disgust
Femanons, would you take back your partner if they cheated on you? I ask because I think I would...
How are men supposed to compete with this kind of bullshit?
When was the last time femanons touched a boy
What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?
Ya im drunk and high ama
Cute latinas
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Test your aiming speed Zig Forums
What do fembots want in their robot bf?
What would you give up for her?
If regular-sized condoms are too big does that mean that I have to give up on ever having sex...
I finished school a while ago...
MGTOW is for low value men who don't want to deal with low value woman
Calories in calories out. that's the only way to lose weight
You know this is true. How do you cope?
He thinks he'll get laid while being a racist
Alright boys, we're writing a song, and it's gonna be HEAVY. I'm gonna need three things from you guys to get started
Anyone have anymore NEET confrontations? I saw a few before but i can't find them...
Looking for a femanon gf. Any of you girls interested?
Things to do
Thoughts on Zig Forums's new queen?
A twitch streamer by the name Ohlana has suicided
Azn men taking all the good Wh*te women
What prevents you from looking like this?
Provide me with logical reasons why transgender people are bad
Im a fat girl. Will anyone every find me truly appealing? Or will simply be someone's last resort...
My credit score is finally improving. I just applied for the Capital One QuicksilverOne card and got approved for a $1...
Why does she make normalfags seethe so much?
Does Zig Forums use Linux?
Want a qt petite smol gf I can toss around and later marry
Small dong pity party
Human Benchmark
Mixed race children are u-
Post your waifu and r9k determines if she's safe to be lewded
What is ur day plan today, user...
Im a 30 year old virgin femcel, and my brother is a chad with a family
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/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
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Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
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Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
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