What are things on earth that you find to be beautiful

what are things on earth that you find to be beautiful

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Goodness, justice, innocence, nobility, dignity, magnanimity. A father with his arm around his wife, who is holding their baby. A beautiful flourishing of vegetation and bursting flowers. The call of a loon on the lake at night.

definitely not that crackhead from skins

That's all I have.

Everyone in this thread. Including, no especially the lookers who are just reading

I like candy. Sweets. Beautiful in more than one way. Food, too. Girls. People. Animals. The economy. War. Peace. Books. Coffee. Tea. Bugs. Opium. A few cigs per week, just 2-3 cigs per week. Drugs. Ice. Lightening. Fire. Oceans.

Everything is beautiful. You just need the right filter.

>the call of a loon on the lake at night

you are beautiful to me too

it is all beautiful . it is beautiful everywhere

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nature and pretty pictures

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my latvian boyfriend's smile