what is ur day plan today, user? make sure you stay hydrated and work on self care + hygiene ! i love you so love yourself too, okay?
What is ur day plan today, user...
Wake up late in the afternoon
Drink a can of soda and maybe like half a bottle of water
Browse Zig Forums
Masturbate a few times
Contemplate suicide
Go to bed
This odd lady is saying she'll help me take my stored clothing to an op shop but I fear she's a liar and genuinely want to donate things not toss them in the bin. Navigating humans is a chore, isn't it?
Lets see
>transfer all my steam games to my new hard drive
>watch some anime for a bit
>wash and eat, being sure to watch my hair good
>go to work for the night shift
>work until tomorrow morning
>go home
>wash cloths unless it is raining again
you must eat!!! but sometimes just doing little is helpful! i love you!!
*and I genuinely want to donate
She seemed disingenuous and talked a lot but didn't say anything which was strange and I respect her ability to make a living off of it in a strange way. (government funded, I assume but she was vague).
yes, humans are very odd indeed!!! what a weird lady, try to ignore her! i love you!
this is very productive im so proud of you user! i love you!
Today I am going to spend the day looking for a gf on r9k
please be careful user, girls on here are very unstable !!!! i still love you!
>wake up
>grind and brew coffee
>clean kitchen mess from my whore of a mother
>cook breakfast for me/her (don't know if she will be there)
>have a shower
>call Citizens Advice Bureau or something similar and gauge my legal rights
>sort through clothes to donate /decide whether I can trust this lady and if so give her my donated clothing
>make dinner
Other than that browse the internet. :3
>yes, humans are very odd indeed!!! what a weird lady, try to ignore her! i love you!
Thank you, but I suspect you are lying and don't really care for it.
Oh yeah I guess I'll eat as well at some point, provided there's actually food in the house.
>i love you!!
Sounds kinda homo bro desu
>what is ur day plan today, user?
I have some bullshit paper to do for my bullshit summer class in college.
Plus an essay where I have to research about even more bullshit to write about.
Other than that, I'm probably going to do some cooking so that I have something to eat for the next couple of days and make some juice from various fruits and/or veggies.
Then I'm gonna get comfy and play some videogames or something.
>make sure you stay hydrated and work on self care + hygiene
I haven't bathed in days. No use for it right now really, since I'm stuck in quarantine.
I do however, keep good teeth hygiene and try to stay healthy.
>i love you so love yourself too, okay?
Right back at ya, OP.
i hope your mother appreciates you and what you do for her :( i hope everything legal goes well! also i do love you >:(
homo desu ... >///
going to go grocery shopping soon. then laundry and clean my place up. after that its nothng til around 10-11pm when im meeting a coworker his gf and her friend for drinks
>Try to avoid going to the bathroom as long as possible
>Avoid accidentally touching things I consider dirty
>Have panic attacks over my belief that despite my best efforts, I *did* accidentally touch something I consider dirty and everything I touched from then on is ruined forever
>Hate myself for letting things get dirty, especially when I realize that it only happened as a result of things I did to avoid OCD attacks
>Have an even worse OCD attack, magnified by my self-hatred over the things I did to avoid it
>Cry, scream, and beg any gods who might hear me to make the OCD stop
>Fall into total despair when they don't help
>Wonder why I even care if inanimate objects become "dirty" or not
>Desperately wish I didn't care
>Be unable to stop caring
>Lose all hope for everything
This is how every day has gone for me for the past few months.
i believe you with your schoolwork!! homemade juice sounds delicious, i wish i could have some
Cats in socks are good, but knitting socks for your snakes is pinnacle humanity.
She finds it offensive because she considers me a sexual and social competitor to crush, yet one she won't let get away because of the hardwired biological aspect. She wants me to die, it's odd. Thanks though!!1
>Fuck there's mold in the storage room and some got on my gun bags
>Carry all of my gun bags, ammo cases, rifles, uniforms and chest rigs out so I can clean the storage room
>Living room looks like I'm planning a terror attack
>See I missed a message from the landlord
>"Me and the maintenance guy is coming in 24 hours to fix the AC"
>Sent 23 hours ago
What I'm going to do is calm down from the fastest house cleaning I've done in my life and then clean some mold.
i am so sorry, i cant even imagine how it feels! i am not a big medication person so have you looked into milk thistle and st johns wort? i also believe zinc and borage oil works to help relieve ocd, but, music /light therapy and meditation helps aswell!!
snakes are ao cute .. what a weird mother, mine is very similar!! you must learn that she cannot rely on you anymore !!! you have to getaway to save yourself!
Thanks for the concern sichan. I err on the side of caution which usually means I am safe but makes it harder to approach people.
What about you? What are you doing today, other than being a lovely person?
that sounds so stressful! take a nap when its all over, okay?
i will just be browsing all day! trying to find discord servers! soon i will play minecraft with a friend, and then cook a yummy and healthy lunch! other than that, nothing really :(
>woke up
>watched two movies while eating a sandwich
>going to make a tuna sandwich
>watch Black Mass
>play some Titan Quest
>eat something else
>fuck around on Zig Forums throughout the day
>go to bed
aw! i hope the movies are mega good! i wish we could watch movies together!
Hanamizuki was good, although a typical Japanese romance drama. The Bridge Curse, a Chinese language horror movie, was boring the first 60 minutes, but good for the last 20. Not worth it as there's plenty of other horror movies that do it better. Director had no clue how to ride the suspense curve and fucked it up every goddamn time.
Probably going to order a pizza, masturbate, play vidya. Same as usual really.
What kind of pizza? What crust type? What toppings? These things are important.
my favorite movies are by sion sono! i loveee love exposure, and suicide club + norikos dinner table. i also love the horror movies diary (you must look up the asian one) and the wishing stairs!
i wish we could do this together !! love you! take care of yourself too!
Mmm that's making me hungry the more I think about it! definitely Papa John's, but not sure what toppings yet. Maybe meat feast. That's a damn good one.
Thanks sickchan, I will!
this is the comfiestblumpfiest thread of he day for sure.
I have to call the cable company and cancel my internet from them since the new service is working. I anticipate this being.... unpleasant.
I also have to get some groceries, fix some stuff with my phone, and I really should get some cleaning done. And I have other projects that I want (not need) to do that I haven't worked on because I'm a low-energy bastard.
I like Love Exposure, the problem is it's too damn long and tried to be 3 types of movies in one. Suicide Club is good, but also a bit weird for a non-Japanese person because I don't get a lot of the very intricate social shit. I tried watching a few of the Wishing Stairs movies and I didn't like them.
I feel sick and i might go to the hospital later i hope it's not fucking corona
aww yay!! i love you!
if they are mean juat ignore them! companies are too money hungry.. also take cat naps throughout the day!! you will wake up much more energized because you rested your body for awhile. i love you !
Post a cute image i wanna see something cute like OP is being cute
muffins! i dont watch any other movies except ghibli :(
i hope so too!! it could just be a cold and your anxiety is convincing you :(( ive heard alot of people experienced that.
here you go lovely user, i love you!
Ghibli movies aren't that good really. Makoto Shinkai on the other hand is fucking god.