Asian people of Zig Forums.
How do you feel about white people?
Asian people of Zig Forums
Some are okay. Some are assholes. Most of the huh-wytes here trend towards the latter. But then, that's applicable to any large group of people. Can you be more specific about a particular subset of whites?
pretty good. that guy who posts porn and is hateful is not included.
What kind of asian are you?
im korean. i dont mislead peeps on who i am, ive said that every time.
I used to think they are alright until I discovered Zig Forums and realized how they are all racist, now I hate them
Most are ok. Gets annoying when you see race bait get spammed but that's more of a Zig Forums thing than a "all white people do this" thing. It is weird though how you guys obsess over Asian women, like you think they're all real life anime girls or something.
>they're all real life anime girls
yes they are
Who cares. People are people. Robots are robots. As long as you're a robot, regardless of your race, you're a brother in my eyes. Fuck normalfags of any race.
They're better than literally every other race. They're smart, but also not boring. Blacks aren't smart like whites. Us Asianfags are usually smarter but we have the personality of pound cake. They are best balance and their racism is endearing