What kinds of people do you hate with a venomous, corrosive hatred?
What kinds of people do you hate with a venomous, corrosive hatred?
Why OP, of course. :^)
Annoying faggots like OP
People who judge others by what groups they can categorize them into instead of who they are as an individual
So you hate people who judge incels and pedophiles?
>everyone who raped me
>everyone who told me I deserved it
>everyone who helped them rape me
>all the voices in my head (none of you are welcome fuck off plz)
probably a bunch of more people but what eves
>most indians
>certain blacks
>suburban trad american whites
>modern muslims that think they are progressive
>certain arabs
>north american spanish people
>certain chinese
>certain australians
honestly just everyone
Noone would rape your fat ass. get fucked
>tfw didn't get to rape this poster
bros its not fair
Yes. Incels can mean anything, a guy with severe deformities could be an incel or some loser who hates women for no real reason could be a self-sabotaging incel. Judging them for being incel instead of who they are is wrong. Same with a pedo, maybe they can't control their feelings but have never acted on them and live a good life.
>those overweight dudes that just jostle around in and out of bathrooms and eat so much shit.
>those non-Americanized Mexicans because none of them know how to be decent people and are filthy and rude as fuck. They don't know how public restrooms work and don't know how use trash cans.
>those busy body women that HAVE to say whatever shit comes to their mind to whomever.
>those people who talk way too much, never stop talking, and have to make small jokes to people out in public.
>those people who ask for favors and pay you in a few $20s for jobs that are easily a couple of hundred dollars.
>those really manipulative people that keep getting away with shit, even minor stuff.
Not really but also completely
Zoomers. Probably going down as the dumbest and most mentally unstable generation of all time. Good thing ill be dead before they completely fuck everything up.
They'll tell you otherwise but thats just the tidepod juice streaming through their veins.
People who treat sex like it's just some fun activity and not an intimate bond between two people for life.
I unironically despise those people and this stoning is a perfectly reasonable punishment for premarital sex
Anti-natalists, cancel culture proponents, media, Jews, military industrial complex, and fossil fuel industry
... Okay!
You're actually a cut above most people.
If I told you I was trans would you still feel that way
Why user? That's objectively all it is, right? Two sets of genitals mashing together? I'm aware it's a cliche at this point, but the associations you've personally decided must be there when a dick goes in a pussy are just that. I'm not advocating for overpromiscuity though. That shit screams mental instability and STD ridden freaks stuck in a dopamine haze.
Being intimate with multiple people is disgusting. You might as well marry them all.
I've felt this way as long as I can remember. Even I'm 9th grade when some slut started trying to touch me I got so mad I wanted to beat her but I had some self control and just shoved her.
It's the most intimate physical relationship you can have and people choose to fuck around instead I hate it.
I actually don't have any problems with trans people.
At least, I haven't met any that fit the stereotypes Zig Forums goes on about.
But why specifically do you feel like that? To some people it isn't the most intimate relationship they can have. Emotions can be removed from sex for a lot of reasons from simply more casual viewpoints to apathy to some kind of trauma. I don't see why that's a bad thing on it's own (again, if there's no hyperpromiscuity). What specifically makes you view it as the be all end all of intimacy? I feel closer with my mother than anyone I've fucked. Good on you for showing self control though lul fuck that sloot
A combination of strong physical disgust towards it and coming from a background of thinking you could bond with one person for life like my parents did both being virgins.
My own disappointment and the fact that these people have no fucking shame and will even criticize me for not wanting to be like them and treat sex like it's something to brag about makes me hate them.
I've even been called a misogynist by guys who just a day ago were bragging about pumping and dumping sluts because I said it would be good for women to focus on family.
All hypocrites and liars who do everything to defend their disgusting addiction.
People who speak like this
>omg sis i-
>girl i-
>i snapped
>anyways white men bad
>(character) said trans rights uwu
>i hate white people so much
>has pronouns in bio
These spawn always have either really fucking stupid opinions or they advocate for shit like censorship or socialism. And it's like 97% leftist women, the untermensch of the world.
just about everyone, i dislike kids who post on the internet trying to be smug, i hate everyone on twitter, everyone on discord, i kinda only like my bird;
just about everyone in the youtube comment section, i dunno something about not communicating with everyone except to communicate the hate i feel towards them makes them say "then dont say anything" i think that gratifies what im saying when i continue to talk shit and they ask me to stop;
borderline attention seeking, but not quite.
there was a time where i wanted to love everyone, in person im agreeable and reasonable, because its how i want everyone to behave i act how i expect people should, but they continue to disappoint.
am i perfect, absolutely not, but i continue to strive for perfection, and seeing everyone lay down and confess their distorted take on reality is reality. so yeah pretty much everyone.
Just end my life senpai
One unironically told me eating junk food strengthens your immune system and eating healthy will kill you. That same guy later threatened to kill me if I wouldn't do some work for him for free.
Went to a psychward, tried to say that my mom abused me, a boomer mom was the head nurse there and tried to brainwash me into thinking my mom never abused me and would call security whenever I tried to speak.
Another boomer tried to turn Zig Forums into some borderline-amish website for normalfags, and was worshiped on IRC for years by all the mods and jannies.
I'd like to hear more about your zoomer hate. I do feel that zoomers played a bit role in ruining Zig Forums, but I'd like your thoughts.
>Went to a psychward, tried to say that my mom abused me, a boomer mom was the head nurse there and tried to brainwash me into thinking my mom never abused me and would call security whenever I tried to speak.
Tell us the full story here, user.
That's an easy one, trannies, jannies and immigrants
Discord staff cause I got banned for absolutely nothing
I follow TOS to the T
Got banned today me and when I tried to resolve it I got IP banned
>fat obese people
>mentally challenged retards
>dumb drivers
>people who don't seak the country origin language
>pretty much rude people
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