What kinds of people do you hate with a venomous, corrosive hatred?
What kinds of people do you hate with a venomous, corrosive hatred?
Why OP, of course. :^)
Annoying faggots like OP
People who judge others by what groups they can categorize them into instead of who they are as an individual
So you hate people who judge incels and pedophiles?
>everyone who raped me
>everyone who told me I deserved it
>everyone who helped them rape me
>all the voices in my head (none of you are welcome fuck off plz)
probably a bunch of more people but what eves
>most indians
>certain blacks
>suburban trad american whites
>modern muslims that think they are progressive
>certain arabs
>north american spanish people
>certain chinese
>certain australians
honestly just everyone
Noone would rape your fat ass. get fucked
>tfw didn't get to rape this poster
bros its not fair
Yes. Incels can mean anything, a guy with severe deformities could be an incel or some loser who hates women for no real reason could be a self-sabotaging incel. Judging them for being incel instead of who they are is wrong. Same with a pedo, maybe they can't control their feelings but have never acted on them and live a good life.