Ever shown your dick to someone? What are the reactions?

Ever shown your dick to someone? What are the reactions?

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Not in real life, but I've fooled around with a few chicks on Omegle over the years. Some gave pretty positive reactions, but most were just into the moment already and just said "nice" or something along the lines.

Call me a womanless NEET faggot all you want, but there's something hot about coming across a random girl on Omegle and going from talking to mutual masturbation within 10 minutes.

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Once, positive response, but i don't think id do it again

One to a girl I liked in high school, via cellphone pic.
The second, some hooker over snapchat.
Mixed reactions.

Poo poo butternugget squash bitch tuggiewuggie poo poo tigglewiggle tsungy wungy butthurt bitch boy tungo pungy bickywick choodah point nine millimetre in my bumbly chippa cock look back chip chuck booshie ow woah ah ow woah ah big hole in the pelvis big fat hole

teach me your ways, master

how do you go from talking to mutual masturbation? i've done both, but not with the same girl. it would feel weird to talk to a random woman/girl and then show your dick. i either have my cam on my face or my dick. give us your wisdom, sage.

Generally positive comments about it being big, even though its pretty average. Best one was from a nurse.

At best I got tits on omegle, never got to mutual masturbation. I can't imagine how attractive or how much you have to keep rolling and seeing dicks for that, the ratio is 99-1 male to female.

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Almost ten years ago I attended trade school and we had sports class. During a ball game where I was standing idle on the side line, suddenly the cute Chilean girl of my class comes up to me and said that one of the boys had shown her his dick. She was smiling so I assumed it was just a joke and laughed.
Later during the next class, the teacher gathered us all and said that someone from our class came to him because of sexual harassement and he called out the guy who did it. This guy started almost screaming and throw a fit of "how much of a coward" the person was who accused him anonymously. Nothing more happened to him than a warning, funny times back then

damn, what an idiot. always deny deny deny. what are they going to do, pull down your pants and match the dick pic? lol

Yeah she was like "THAT'S BIG HOOLLY"

I don't even know what to teach lmfao. I guess if I see a girl I like, I start talking a bit about sex and whatnot.

Mentioned above. desu, I'm not too bad looking(not a Chad, but still) and had a bit of experience with talking with girls in high school. When you know the signs, it's honestly not too hard to pick up on when a girl is into you.

Omegle has gotten pretty good at banning dudes who already have their dick out. The dude to chick ratio is still fucked to Hell, but there are still girls on there who are interested in fucking around.

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A girl asked for nudes once and I sent a picture of my erect pp but then she just put "lol it's small." I ghosted her after that and vowed to never show my pp to anyone again.

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>Ever shown your dick to someone?
Yes, a fair number of girls and young women.

>What are the reactions?
Stroking, sucking, and/or clear presenting.

i showed my dick to a 14-yr-old boy once
he just rolled his eyes

A few times. They all seemed to like it and only like me because of it.

You must have a nice benis user. Size?

I do it often online. Here's a reaction from yesterday:
>Omg that is huuuggeee
>Id suck on it and swallow your load

>go to female urologist
>"I need to examine your penis user"
>reluctantly pull it out
>she laughs and apologizes

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I'm sorry that happened to you user. Women are horrible creatures.

"user, I don't think that should be anywhere other than in your pants." -ex

First guy didn't say anything
Second guy called me huge, but he only said that because I was anxious about showing it to him

My little sister friends once caught me "sleeping" nude.

Lots of giggling and room incursions.

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I'm old and have been with lots of girls. I often try to analyse what works and doesn't, especially those I don't get. But there is one terrific rule that is consistent with every time I've scored. Here it is, I'm going to share it with you: If I'm hanging with a girl and at some point my erect cock appears in view, sex always happens after that. Its like they can't say no at that point. And mine isn't that big or anything. I wouldn't use taking your cock out as a move, but if you've got to a point with her that its a natural progression, its going to all happen. Don't be afraid

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>short dick, about 13,4cm
>but girthy at 14cm thick

Could've been worse.

Based. I once slept naked at a friend's house and his two younger sisters caught a glimpse of my dick when they barged into his room.
They snuck back in later and I was pitching a huge tent, pretending to sleep. They pulled the blanket off and stared at it in all its glory.
I accidentally made moved and scared them so they snuck back out of the room for a bit, but when they came back in for another look I had my cock out in my hand, stroking it slowly. I was facing away from the door so they probably thought I wouldn't notice them, but I could hear them giggling and gasping.

That's cute. I don't think they were that horny in my experience, mostly giggling, approaching, and mumbling comments. They focused more on the balls which was childish.

Ive shown 4 people my dick irl.
They all say its huge.

How old were they? The girls who looked at me were entering their teens so they were aware of sex at least.
I don't think they were horny necessarily, just curious and nervous about seeing something so lewd.

Showed my cock to my hot ass cousin a few years back, we are very close and we're texting about our sexual experience with our respective partners, she asked to see my dick maybe thinking I wouldn't but I was masturbating at the time and already rock hard so I sent her a pic, and she said "wow you're just a little bit bigger than my bf and veinier, I like veiny dicks, and nice head shape " I followed it up with " is it the type of dick you'd like to suck on? ;)" She responded " you are such a perv but yes, I guess I would" and proceeded to change the subject.