Do you like Japanese women more than other Asian women?
Do you like Japanese women more than other Asian women?
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Yes. I was just dating a japanese girl for the first time.
Unfortunately I had to break up with her because she was too racist and hated foreigners.
I'm not sure. I know for a fact that I have more experience with seeing Japanese girls due to porn, but I'm not enough of an expert to compare Asian girls of other ethnicities.
It's hard to know anyway, since most Asian girls you see online have had insane amounts of surgery done.
>Unfortunately I had to break up with her because she was too racist and hated foreigners
Are you white or what?
Yes. My #1 dream is to have a cute Japanese girlfriend. That doesn't mean I don't like korean/chinese girls too, though
Yeah, I'm white. She was constantly railing against anyone that wasn't japanese.
tfw no redpilled racist Japanese gf
Yeah, that's what Zig Forums told me too
Hierarchy goes:
>Korean (more elegant, pale, intelligent) (cons: little more soulless, less sexy)
>Japanese (nicer, sexy, less refined, [more] brown skinned)
>Chinese (okaish)
>East Asians (nigger asians)
>>East Asians (nigger asians)
What specifically are east Asians to you?
Vietnamese, Philippines, Malaysia (dont know any more lmao)
Big yes. There's a very concrete idea of what an ideal Japanese woman should be like in Japan, and I really like that type of woman. I would gladly marry one even.
those are south east asians, you idiot.
Japanese, Korean and Chinese are east asians.
Also you're wrong that SEAs are worse than Chinese. They're about the same because they have so much variability.
what type of homosexual are you? you fucking faggot
That mostly applies to Korean & Chinese girls. They're also photoshopped heavily. Might not look as "surgeried" in real life like they do online. Japanese and brown skinned Southeast Asian girls are real for the most part.
Women and their photoshopping man.
>brown skinned Southeast Asian girls are real for the most part.
That's true, all the SEA girls I've seen online look pretty real.
i think the korean ones are prettier,but i like any women who gives me attention so i dont really care.
tfw no phlip gf
>i think the korean ones are prettier
That's because they had plastic surgery
Other Asians should learn a thing or two from them
How do you even find them though?
You guys only look at the Idols it's not all different from thinking Victoria Secret models are the average American girl.
You mean you like plastic Asian dolls?
Non-Asian guys with yellow fever don't like the same women as Asian men. They are happy to go for any Asian women as long as she has white fever.
That dateinasia website most likely.
Though I've had a couple looking for relationship message me on interpals
that man is a saint - daughter will be pretty as an adult
>she was too racist and hated foreigners.
honestly if I had a nip gf like that I would impregnate her on the spot.
yeah. I want half Japanese kids.
>ugly father
>ugly mother
>literal angel
Man wtf
>You mean you like perfection
Of course
I'm a none Asian guy with a Chinese wife. I had a preference to Asian girls but never lowered my standards for ugly Asian girls just because shes Asian. You are full of shit and should go fuck urself.
You are either a salty white girl jealous of Asians getting all the dick these days or some salty guy who can't stand white guys being happy with Asian girls.