Brown femanons just want a white husband to come home to them. When are you going to stop being stubborn and racemix?

Brown femanons just want a white husband to come home to them. When are you going to stop being stubborn and racemix?

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How can anyone find a cock drawn like this hot? If you're gonna make a monter cock at least make it attractive.

The head looks like a baboons butt

1.i am only attracted to nonwhite women
2.artist name pls

i don't think there is just a huge group of brown femanons lining up to marry us because we are white.

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Based real world poster.

Any Latina qts wanna get BLEACHED?

My dad did just that, but what do I do now?
Am I fucked?

are you a boy or a girl? do you look more white or brown?

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No I don't I just wanna die lol

I'm a boy and I look like a more light-skinned spic
Not going in the sun a lot has made me look more pale, though

get fucked by white men for their (and your) pleasure and marry a cute white girl so your children will almost be 100% white

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Its true af i want to get BLEACHED

>Any Latina qts wanna get BLEACHED?

All I see is second gen border bouncers hooking up with blacks, much tho the dismay of their immigrant parents.

Seen it quite a bit.

unless they're weebs, like my fuckbuddy. I've got a history with weeb spics

t. white boi

what is your racial background tho? everyone wants to die it doesn't matter

Post hand pic with a smiley face drawn on the back of your hand.

>get fucked by white men
I'm not a faggot so no. Don't want to pleasure a faggot either
>Marry a cute white girl
I'll try to do that, seems like a good idea

Half Indian half white. Ya you right user my bad.

Hey fellow half indian half white, how's it going?

Pretty gud, all things considered.

it's the same reason why a lot of bots and fembots aren't just dating each other
not only is there a lack of a place for social rejects to go and, ya know, be social and meet each other, but a lot of us are also spread out

bump my cock can only get so hard

i get rejected by other robots bc im not white and also by robots with bleached fetish because i also dont look brown enough???

gonna give you that, us white guys with black queen fetish like the really dark ones but i am willing to settle with any black woman as long as she is cute just like a dark skin womna

Brown women look delicious and I eminently prefer them to pale skinned women.

Would you be able to post your hand so that I might be able to discern the hue of your womanflesh?

Big white cock is not real. Change my mind


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id prefer a nerdy hispanic or asian desu.

Because most brown girls don't look like dark elves but instead look like goblins. The most attractive brown girls are definitely Hispanic and Middle Eastern but these seem to be the hardest to get

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