Why do people hate me for being trans? I can't help it...
Why do people hate me for being trans? I can't help it
because they're pathological soulless crypto nazis all they really believe in is oppression
as long as you arent an annoying SJW or make your entire personality revolve around your sexual malfunction, i really have no opinion on you.
sjws are good your opinions are trash you stupid arrogant retard
nice try bro
I usually have no problem with trans I had some trans friends but onw thing is common in them that they all tried to lewd me or erp with me... but if you don't make it a huge show I wouldn't hate you or think bad about you
i mean, isn't that all straight people do? a big part of being straight is your identity as a straight person it's just a double standard you have against non normies and you can go fuck yourself for that, it's just this extra measure of oppression you hold people to, because you'rea wannabe asshoel and you should be punched like one, like the nazi you are. just another passive aggressive bitch hiding behind right wing ideology.
>just hide your trans
>because i said so
nah go fuck yourself dude
>like the nazi you are. just another passive aggressive bitch hiding behind right wing ideology.
i dont give a shit about politics, if anything im a libertarian.
also im technically not even straight, but i never talk about any sexual shit to anyone unless they bring it up.
Go join the 41%
Do people really care?
It's just a man in a wig or something...
Sure, it might be awkward, but
I can't imagine people going out of their way to engage gays/trans/or whatever group they don't like or make a scene.
If you're op, this is why. If you're not op, op this is why.
>a big part of being straight is your identity as a straight person
explain how
I dont hate trans people. I knew a gay black mtf trans woman. She was a huge trump supporter and hated the liberals. She always wore a maga hat to school, and sometimes got bullied for it. Also she was a vegan who really loved animals, I think she told me she volunteered at a cat shelter for awhile. Anyways, we were good friends and spent a lot of time arguing politics like gun rights. She really loved guns, and she always held hers sideways. Personally im a liberal so I dont see the purpose of guns, but whatever.
obviously your sexual attraction to women is apart of your life therefore your identity how can that be wrong idiot? but-but, nice attempt at a gotcha question nazi
Are you retarded and can't read?
you can't just say "who cares about politics" and not look like an idiot to someone who isn't 9 years old, trans issues are political, libertarianism is just crypto fascism as well, and at best utopian.
But you wouldn't know if I was straight or not. You're just assuming I am like the mental patient you are.
>tfw no qt tranner gf to snug and fug
>trans issues are political
you niggers already have the same exact legal rights as the rest of us. other people have the right to refuse to fuck/date you.
So you just said "explain now" as if you are straight because i have reading comprehension,
I'm not trans I just know society does oppress them, so many people on the right are just obsessed with trannies, they'll call people trannies just to make them feel bad, "equal rights" is disingenuous in the least they're still discriminated against in the least so fuck off
not them but he said "explain how" not now and that does not imply him being straight at all
I don't mind you faggots until you're in my face demanding bullshit. I don't want you near me at all. Just like niggers and others. When you take over media to force out my voices, when you get people like me fired for not indulging you in your delusions, you could get fucked.
Either way, I generally dislike all "LGBT" people, but I will especially hate you if you get around me in any way. Out of sight, out of mind.
Word of advice: Just say you're a girl online if you're a kinky fucker, like everyone else does. Stop the faggot shit.
Not him, but I wanna know if majority of people actually bother trannies in real life. see Because it seems most people would just wanna get on with their own lives
can you give a specific example of a policy with which transgender individuals are discriminated against that is still widely enforced today in the U.S.?
just because I asked you to explain how doesn't mean I'm straight
why does this site care so much about trannies
You are not alone and I don't hate you for being trans. Trans people can be awesome.
Much like nigs, your community just has a real bad plague of stereotypes. A lot of troons are hypersexual mentally ill people who worship and wanna be japanese cartoon dickgirls. And because of muh oppression you get a barrier that both protects you from criticism in certain places (*cough* Reddit) and gives you more power than you should have.
trump just revoked transgender health protections that came up on google just now
ok and what's your point? why did you put us on that tangent? Because you wanted some gotcha moment where you want to assume straight aren't discriminating against trans people?
>I can't help it...
You can, it's a choice.
Put a bullet in your head faggot
unironically its because a lot of Zig Forums users are at the border of being trans. they're insecure about their masculinity. they resent and envy women, for getting affection so easily. they're into femdom, because its more comfortable for them. the idea of asserting their own sexual wants scares them. so, they jack off to the thought of a woman dominating them. then eventually they gradually tip into being turned on by sissification, and they start fantasizing about being a woman.
ive described a huge portion of the site. so the topic of trans people triggers them, because they're accidentally turning themselves trans
agreed. i dont think theres actually anything wrong with being trans.
for some people transitioning is a mistake, but that doesn't mean its a mistake for everyone. people ought to be free to explore their own gender
Sure you can help it. If you're a mtf then guess what? You DO NOT have a female brain. It's impossible. Why? Cuz you're a male. So what does being a woman actually feel like? You don't have a goddamn clue. You'll never have a clue. Because you're a male. Can you wrap your broken mind around this simple concept?
You and your sjw ilk disgust me. If you all were launched into the sun the rest of us would be so happy. Thank god the crazy, delusional, disconnected from reality folks are gone now, these fucking retards that actually somehow believe they can make everything fair one day. Lol no. Life isn't fair and hopefully you haven't disfigured yourself too much in pursuit of your need to get more attention for being a special snowflake. Grow the fuck up already, lol ffs...