What if it turns out that there is no God?

What if it turns out that there is no God?

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Then we are fucked. orig

Preposterous. Even if there were no "Yahweh Elohim," there would still at least be a really big king ghost out there.

If there is no God, then how do you explain the OBJECTIVE FACT of Jesus's Resurrection?

That is not objective fact lmao watch some Richard carrier

>how do you explain the OBJECTIVE FACT of Jesus's Resurrection?

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There's not a big man in the sky but there is a hivemind of energy that we all belong to in unity

i sure fucking hope there is a god, because i really want to kill him

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Then millions upon millions of people have practiced self improvement and improved their local communities for no reason whatsoever.

Jesus' resurrection is the most well-attested fact in history. Deal with it.

>a hivemind of energy that we all belong to in unity

That's called the Republican Party.

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Shoo DRUMPF and fix America

>Jesus' resurrection is the most well-attested fact in history. Deal with it.

Um. Okay.

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>fix America

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Butthurt atheist can't deal with facts

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According to...the Bible? KEK

>Butthurt atheist can't deal with facts

Actually I'm more agnostic than anything else. I have never been and never will be an atheist.

I love how you call me "butthurt" yet you aggressively try to spew your bull shit from your little book as " facts ".

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The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are all considered to be historical accounts that accurately depict the events of the time by all respected academic circles. In addition, the resurrection of Christ was witnessed by more than just the disciples.
If you don't like it, become a respected biblical scholar and refute it instead of shitposting.

Hey watch it. The earth is 6000 years old because my book said so. The facts don't lie.

Here I'll even spoonfeed you

It can also be billions of years old at the same time due to relativity.
The bible also says, "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."

>The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are all considered to be historical accounts

Not by educated scholars.

>In addition, the resurrection of Christ was witnessed by more than just the disciples.

Sure it was, and I had a Starbucks with Elvis just the other day.

>and refute it instead of shitposting.

...because you've REALLY refuted your zombie god coming out of a cave.

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>hurr durr I can't use my brain to form an argument so please feed ad money to some atheist faggot

I really can't take you seriously at all with all of that reddit formatting.

>Hey watch it. The earth is 6000 years old because my book said so. The facts don't lie.

Hrm. I have a book, too, that says all black people are niggers and that teenage boys can do whatever the hell they want as long as they learn a lesson later. Something about the Mississippi River, if I remember right.

I have another book where a kid detective solves mysteries. How many nine-year-olds solve murders these days?

Then there's a book I have where this kid thinks he can perform magic and goes to some magical school in England. But when I looked on a map I couldn't find his school. It wasn't anywhere in Google, either.

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A day could be a thousand years. Created earth in 6 days = 6000 years at most

>I really can't take you seriously at all with all of that reddit formatting.

and I really can't take YOU seriously with all of this "Jesus was real, the Bible said so!" bullshit.

>A day could be a thousand years. Created earth in 6 days = 6000 years at most


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Even if you don't believe in his godhood, Jesus is generally accepted by society as having existed.

Cope. Feel free to post any if your favorite biblical scholars or theologians and I'll watch. I hope their arguments are stronger than
>it's in the gospels bro

Read "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel.

>a carpenter called Jesus existed
yes, but he did not have magical powers of item duplication and waterwalking
you make it sound like Jesus lived in Tamriel

>Even if you don't believe in his godhood, Jesus is generally accepted by society as having existed.

Your post is bad and you should feel bad!

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Sure but I'll probably laugh. A lot. Then laugh some more when I read more people tear his case to shreds.

Wow you guys sure are butthurt

>beliving a book invented to stop people killing each other due to no repercussions is 100% truth
im pretty sure having to live a sin free life for no reward is gonna leave you pretty butthurt

How, when sodomy is a sin?
Checkmate, atheist.

I'm going to get drunk, masturbate to the thought of my neighbor's wife and then go murder a random stranger. Thanks for the motivation to get off my ass and go out into the real world!

because the bible is fiction

I don't even know what people mean anymore when they say this word.

I got trips of truth. Fuck off.

>the Bible is FACT
>no it isn't retard
>wow butthurt much???
You're free to believe in whatever you want but dont push your beliefs as fact.

Most religious tenets are also prosocial behavior and psychologically beneficial.

>random numbers = divine intervention
if this post ends in any number the bible is fiction

>BTFO by dubs

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