Your life is decided from the day you are born. Every about you is genetic, your mannerisms...

Your life is decided from the day you are born. Every about you is genetic, your mannerisms, your intelligence and your looks. If you get a shit hand, life will be really difficult, get a decent hand you'll have a moderately successful life, get a giga chad hand and you don't even have to try. Life is bullshit and people make an impression of the first two seconds they see you. The only truth is the black pill.

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This is why black men have so much more sexual success than white men. Women only want the best genetics to have sex with. Improoving is a meme, dont even try it

You forgot your parents and the quality of upbringing they can provide and your environment

That doesn't even matter user, even chads with utter shit up bringings still slay at life. had one in my highschool, his mother beat him and cut him he still arose to be a raging success with lots of wealth.

It's 2020 and kids are still doing this incel garbage. Don't tell me you still listen to Jordan Memerson too.

Based. Ive known burn victims and fat fucks who still got all the pussy they wanted because of confidence genes and big black cock

Yeah there's some truth to this. The sad thing is some guys see "gigachads" and get all motivated, then start maniacally self improving only to end up disappointed.

You must know a lot because I'm 28 and haven't seen any of those things.

Realistically all forms of learning and development are just an illusion. Chad was born knowing all the languages in the world and how to use them.

You dont believe in evolution? Sad