W-Would you rape a petite fembot to see how it feels to fuck a virgin?

W-Would you rape a petite fembot to see how it feels to fuck a virgin?
Would you be gentle.. or mean ? How would you treat her?
horny drugged up virgin fembot bls respond no contact

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Not rape but I'd fuck her hard and spank her, then cuddle with her as we sleep.

I would not rape anyone.
I do however want to fuck a virgin fembot more than most anything else in the world.
I would be as gentle or rough as she wanted me to be.
Also most probably this is a LARP, and it's almost pointless to make this thread or post in it, yet here I am.

I wouldn't be a gentle man
that's for sure

I would push her down and furiously tongue her pussy and ass

Nofap gives me serious rape urges, but I will never give in to them. Rape is terrible. I just want a woman to love me and have sex with me voluntarily.

If I was going to rape tho, hypothetically, I would be as gentle and as kind as possible. No bleeding pussy from jackhammering and no rape babies from not wearing a condom. Maybe I would even cry and beg beforehand just to get her consent for pity sex. Why be a violent rapist or rapist at all? There's no feelings of desire for you there.

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Mean. Fembots deserve to be abused.

Do you think if I resisted or whimpered youd fuck me harder?
What if I squeezed my thighs around your neck and begged you to stop since I was too sensitive ?

Kyaaa..user.. Would you get rougher if you noticed me liking it more ?

H-How would you be mean to me user?

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I don't like the idea of raping a person, and if you're raping a person does it matter if you're being "gentle" or "rough" with the rape? Amusing to think of a "gentle rape". But anyway: I don't want to have sex with any human, it's kind of funny how big of a deal so many here and elsewhere make of sex. With onaholes and fleshlights existing, I definitely don't see the point of actual sex.

I would just rape you
I would lock you in my basement and make you make sex slave for the rest of your life

I'd pin her down, tie her limbs up and forcibly cum inside while choking her. Then I'd threaten to kill her if she ever told anyone about it

my petite ex demanded rape

Yeah, I would. If you were liking it, I'd just go full animal mode and plow you rough to make sure you at least orgasm good since I'm forcing you to give your body up to me.

Would you let me cum in you? I'll buy you birth control afterwards.

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I'm going to fuck her hard regardless. If she struggles or not it don't matter to me

Do you think youd cum faster if I cried and tried to squirm away from your cock pushing into my holes?

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Please use me as your cumdump... Would you think I was slutty if I came while you were violating me?

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That would only make me go harder.

>What if I squeezed my thighs around your neck and begged you to stop since I was too sensitive ?
I wouldn't be able to stop

then is it really rape?

No. I'd tell her to get some fucking self respect while I steal all her drugs for my own use.

What if after going limp I started grinding into you and moaning a bit?

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I wouldn't be mean. No cruelty for the sake of cruelty. But make no mistake I will be doing what I wish to you and you will have no choice or option to say no. I'll be holding my cock deep past your tonsils for long intervals, and then penetrating your throat until, and no shorter, I feel done doing that. I will use the slobber to steadily push inside you without any care or effort regarding your feeling. At some point I will do the same thing in your ass. Both will hurt and also feel really good in an awful and confusing way.
The important part is that any attempt at refusal is ignored. If I want to first you, then no matter what you do or say a fist will be in you. If I want to choke you until you're blue and your eye blood vessels are burst, that's what will happen. If I want to piss in your mouth, no matter how much you squirm or beg you are getting your mouth pissed in. If I decide to spank you until your ass is scorched and shaking, then your ass WILL feel that way. If I pull out my camera, your nudes will be in phone and online. If I finish fucking you in the ass and decide to fuck your throat, you're tasting whatever is on it. And if I want to cum deep in you, then you can cry and squirm but I'm putting a baby in your womb.
That's what you wanted, right virgin?

No, I wouldn't think you're slutty or a cumdump. Even though it's rape - again, which I'll never do and don't condone - hypothetically, I'd make sweet love to you in missionary, deep, passionate kisses on the lips and all that as I unload my balls into you. I'd probably bond pretty heavily because I'm a virgin and just filled your pussy with my seed. I already know the post-nut clarity would hit like a train.

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no but it was really fun to pretend

Fucking stupid fembot whore, I'd like nothing more than to cum inside and leave you like that.

I'd slap and spit on your face for enjoying it.

I'd be as violent as I possibly could. Probably kill her. Also sick larp buddy

>W-Would you rape a petite fembot to see how it feels to fuck a virgin?
rape no but simulated rape/surprise sex yes
>Would you be gentle.. or mean ? How would you treat her?
I'd just be really rough and have no inhibitions. There would be no nice or mean, I'd just let the animal part of my brain take over and not think at all.

I don't have the heart to rape a woman. I can't even get into spanking or dirty talk.

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No. That sounds boring as fuck.


But petite and/or short girls are the funnest to bully. And they're all little sluts who love it too. I swear every petitie girl I've talked to immediately knows their place when I start to bully and dominate them. It's fun turning them into my slutty little pet and making them call me sir. And then I can do anything I want with them. It's actually hilarious how easy it is