Today I almost threw a rock to a group of teenagers that were walking around town...

Today I almost threw a rock to a group of teenagers that were walking around town, it was two guys (the typical subhumans who look like tik tok e-boys) and a girl (the typical thot smiling, laughing and dressed as a whore)

I was about to do it when I pussied out at the last moment and ran away, also the girl looked at me many times as I was following them around.

When I'm finally going to learn to be a man and stand for myself?

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you wont do shit cowerd

or you can just let people live their lives you social outcast faggot

>stand for myself?
What the fuck does throwing a rock at people who weren't doing anything to you have to do with standing up for yourself? Stop being a whiny faggot before your butthurt goes all the way up to your brain and you do something stupid.

hateful pathetic dickless virgin OP

you're fucking pathetic OP. you should throw that rock at yourself

What did they do sir?

Ya'll weak wh*te boys. Ain't you ever beat up a random person or two?
get with the culture krackaz

do it user and come back when you've done the deed

lol shut up retard attacking people for no reason does nothing to benefit anyone except put tards like you in jail. mexican btw.

glad to see not everyone here is a fucking loser

You're just not man enough to beat up some random faggots on the streets

Exist, they were happy and young and mocking me because I didn't get to experience these things and they knew it, plus they were with a hot girl

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So, you're an envious butthurt faggot, then?

no ur just a fucking troglodyte with no purpose behind your existence sissy boy

Nobody has a purpose because there's no God, existence is the result of chaos, nothing has objective value other than the one assigned by the dopamine release in our brains

Take a lesson and go on Grindr and get TOPPED you might learn something

Agree with this except for existence is the result of chaos. Nay. Not truth.

woah got anymore reddittor atheist logic for us buddy

fucking incels lol

you're absolutely pathetic in every way

Existence has no purpose, nothing matters, nothing has a reason to be.

I'll beat the shit out of them

Jesus christ, can all you summerfags please fuck off back to faceberg

then kys it's not hard

Although I think you're a retarded loser faggot for wanting to do it
You should have, because it would have been funny

I must kill you, yours sons and rape your daughters first

Ignore everybody else here, I will give you the single helpful advice you need. People like you and me feel satisfied after hurting people we envy. Just do it smart, make sure nobody can see you, no cameras. Hit em hard. It's only important how you feel, fuck the others
This is the perfect timeline to bring some pain
If others call you big bad i-word or tell you to stop it only makes it more fun since that means that you actually hit a spot

People can insult you, cry or beg you to stop, but they can't keep their eyes open 24/7 to avoid that rock hitting them, we got the time

scary terry

people like you are the reason this website is such a fucking cess pit. sick bastards. get help

>we got the time
That makes it even more pathetic.

Throwing rocks at strangers isn't standing up for yourself, you blithering tard

losers like him are a lost cause