The last digit of your post determines how you act on Zig Forums for the rest of the day

The last digit of your post determines how you act on Zig Forums for the rest of the day.

1. Smug
2. Evasive
3. Selfish
4. Vague
5. Angry
6. Jealous
7. Coomer
8. Arrogant
9. Lazy
0. Yourself

Attached: CA8C234D-FCC2-4D9E-AEAB-10AB9388D5B0.png (396x264, 141.21K)

Rolling so I can just be myself

>0. Yourself
What does that even mean. Are you implying I"m not myself when I feel those other emotions?

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Rolling because Im going to bed anyway

rolling because i like rolling on the ground laughing

a smug boi has entered the arena.

No, he's implying that you're not yourself when you try to force that emotion constantly in all your interactions.

All I know is that I'm tired, and whatever result I get will not matter, as I would have been asleep after perhaps five minutes.

i dunno, its just for fun user

Haha this post made me roflmao my ass of on the floor laughing haha