How do I cope with constant gender dysphoria?
How do I cope with constant gender dysphoria?
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you dont you live with it for the rest of your life
Estrogen, user. I take it and it makes me feel better.
Ruin your life by transitioning or take the monkpill and repress every bit of your sexuality while focusing on higher pursuits.
Why wouldn't even know this was a thing if it wasn't for Zig Forums, why is there so many people with this here?
Talk therapy and sunshine.
Jumping off a bridge will fix that right up
Question, when people say "gender dysphoria" does that mean that you are unable to fulfill a sexlife of your choosing or does it mean you feel unhappy merely being male, like being male feels unnatural to you? I'm not trying to do a tranny bad meme I'm genuinely curious.
if you can pass, take estrogen, find that girlymode infographic (I'm sure the discord group will post what I'm talking about) and follow the small dietary/exercise steps and get some cute clothes and enjoy!
if you can't, and be honest with yourself here, just settle for being non-masc irl and get your girly kicks in ERP and discord servers. release your feelings through digital sexual encounters and achieve intimacy this way. get anime girl avatars everywhere. play as girls in games. just don't fall down that rabbithole of transfetishism that ends up with you being filmed in a gamestop going "IT'S MA'AM"
I really hope this helps OP.
It's not a sexual thing. At least, it's not supposed to be. People are disgusting and make it one though. Actual gender dysphoria is stuff like looking at your body in the mirror and wanting to throw up because you hate what you see, but specifically because you are seeing masculinity, not just cuz you're fat or ugly or something. It's crying yourself to sleep because some guy slapped your back and asked you about the big game when all you want to do is be one of the girls and talk normally with them and be treated as one. Former is an example of physical dysphoria, hating the masculine traits of your body, the latter is social dysphoria, hating the way you're being treated as a man socially.
Obviously flip it around if you're ftm
question, because i value people's feelings, was my cope in the post above yours a good way to deal with it if you can't pass, or would none of that actually help?
you have to realize that gender isn't real.
stop watching porn you dumbass
not an original comment
>the Y chromosome is an illusion
Plastic surgery.
You could also try surrounding yourself with people who love and accept you no matter who you are, but big fucking chance of that happening.
that's sex, which is a biological reality
>Sex is real but gender isn't
That's like saying that the President is real but the government isn't
You acted like all it is is some kind of sexual satisfaction you need. It's more than that, so I'll just assume a less misconstrued post that still clings onto the whole escapism meme.
It doesn't work. It makes real life harder and harder to deal with. People eventually ask for your pictures or to call you. Having to lie only makes you feel worse, because you can't just delude yourself you're the girl you're catfishing people as enough.
When you go outside, when you have to talk to someone else, when you walk past a mirror, it's like getting hit in the face with a 4ton baseball bat. Your world crumbles and you want to fucking die more than anything if you snap too hard. I tried escapism, it led me to being in the hospital for some suicide attempt.
Maybe it will work for others but if you're genuinely mentally ill enough to have strong gender dysphoria it will not save you.
You are correct that if you pass it is as easy as starting transition and boom there you go. It will objectively help. But there is NOTHING you can do that will save you if you don't pass. I've tried everything. I don't feel any better about myself or in regards to my dysphoria despite transitioning for 2.3 years. Escapism didn't work. Trying to full on just ignore it and live as a man and bulk up didn't work. Actually, there is one option, become completely delusional and believe all the "you look great, hon!"s on reddit when you get your 2 upvotes on r/transpassing and etc., and hugbox yourself until you die. There is no good outcome for hons.
So there's just no hope at all for people who can't pass? Would you recommend therapy or meds in that case or is it all just cope from there?
So what exactly are you saying is not real?
If your argument assumes that gender exists as a separate concept from biological sex, then it's a bit contradictory for the conclusion to be that gender doesn't exist.
Therapists just tell you to transition anyway and bee your true self (:
Meds don't exist for gender dysphoria.
The ideal outcome is going full on delusion. You can at least be happy that way. But no one can tell if they will pass preemptively. You need to see how hormones treat your body, you need to see how much FFS helps, and you need to looksmaxx before you are truly fucked. I'm currently at the stage where I'm saving up for FFS to see if that will help me. If it doesn't, I'm done. There's nothing more I can do, and I refuse to go the delusional route.
It's tricky because on one hand, if you really are unfortunate looking like I was/am prior to transition, trying escapism and chadmaxxing seem like potential fixes that you want to try first, but transition works better the earlier you start, so it's kinda like... what do you really advise people to do, you know? If transition fails then going back is nearly impossible because you jumped down the rabbit hole. If escapism fails then you wasted time for transition and will look even worse.
If you aren't naturally fem, and if you are seriously so mentally ill that there is nothing that can help you, you honestly deserve to do euthanasia if you want. Gender dysphoria is mentally crippling as hell, and it is constant agony. Yes bloohoo is me. But really though, there is no real hope, no.
>Therapists just tell you to transition anyway
5 out of 5 therapists and one hospital therapist all told me to do it. They seriously push it for some reason.
Sue for malpractice.
i think i need to leave this thread. i've always been supportive of dysphorfrens but now i feel like i don't understand it at all.
that said, i hope everyone with itt finds a path to happiness, regardless of how
Money doesn't interest me at this point. I'm too fucked.
female? embrace tomboy
male? kill yourself
That doesn't matter. Make a point. Make them suffer for recommending something that is proven to increase your risk of suicide.
>proven to increase your risk of suicide
I thought it was the opposite of that.
It's not real. Just stop thinking about it.