How much are you ready to pay for a sex bot that looks fully human?
How much are you ready to pay for a sex bot that looks fully human?
10000 USD cash right now
Nothing if it doesn't come equipped with an AI that will love me.
I don't have any money but once I have a job I won't have anything else to do with it so... All my money I guess?
>it doesn't come equipped with an AI that will love me
Women don't love anyway...
This is what makes it.
dunno. do you have a spec sheet?
>tfw no persocon gf
Everything. I would pay with everything that i have
I would pay everything and take loans to get a 2B sexbot.
2B needs to get her back checked on by a doctor, that posture doesn't look healthy.
I will 100% buy a robot once they're available. I would buy it for love though, not just for sex. Also, I want her to look more like a robot than a human. Robots are purem, unspoiled, and meant for tenderness.
Pros of a Robot Wife:
>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you
>Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable
>How much are you ready to pay
There's no other pill than the black one for us here on earth, I've never seen real love between man and woman and it's impossible to achieve for some of us ugly and dumb guys, only Christ keeps me going
Would you fuck a sex bot that has the brain of a male human inside it
That scared me so fucking bad
I'm just getting one of these. The full body seems overkill and it would be a pain the ass to keep hidden
As long as the bot is feminine.
Car payments territory.
Artificial wombs will be a thing so yeah I will be buying one.
based. otherwise a hooker would be far less expensive
Over $10k for a doll. Robots are over $50k.
One day Stacies will realize they are being replaced and launch a Butlerian Jihad on sexbots.
I don't want a sex bot that looks fully human.
>looks fully human
What's the point of having an attraction to robot girls then? Ever seen that movie I Am Mother? Yeah, I want to fuck somethin' like THAT. And not just post-apoc Hillary Swank, either, the goddamn mombot was the hottest shit.
>keep hidden
>doesn't let his robot wife/sex pet sleep in his bed
Fucking monster you don't deserve her.
>not going on Grindr
>not getting TOPPED
>paying to fuck plastic
Not a whole lot. Maybe a grand or 2. 80+% of the population is in poverty in the west if you didn't remember
exactly, why do you think we want bots
i seriously wonder how much they will advance in my lifespan. do you think theyll be able to walk eventually?
As in today, as in this hypothetical object that does not exist currently? I couldn't afford it. However that would probably range at about 100,000 - 500,000. Depending on how real we're talking