Just a heads up for you r9k, because you're exactly the type of people they prey on...

Just a heads up for you r9k, because you're exactly the type of people they prey on. If you ever meet a daddy off /soc/ don't listen to them. They say they'll let you'll live an easy life but it's just a lie. You're basically a house slave, sleep in a nice bed but have to react at the snap of a finger. Yeah you can leave, but after all the shit they put in you, life is hard without the upkeep.

I'm just trying to do the best I can to make sure you know what it's like.

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Why would you ever fall for the adopt a neet meme you idiot

>If you ever meet a daddy off /soc/ don't listen to them.
no shit kek. fucking retard why would you meet up with anyone from a mongorian basket weaving forum LOL. you unironically get what you deserve if you put your life in the hands of one of these retards.

Which is why I'm warning dumb shits like me that wanted a get out of life free card. I'm not the only person who fell for this shit and I won't be the last. May as well at least try and warn you.

whats it been like for you?

I'm not going to pretend like there aren't benefits, like I'm not sleeping in a hovel. But I have to answer at the drop of a hat, my day is strictly scheduled and I'm treated more like a mannequin than a person.

Do you have sex with your Master? Are you male or female? I'm not really sure wtf is being talked about rn. I feel I have an idea but can you start getting a lot more specific?

Sometimes, it's mostly strangers. The polite term is escort. Shemale is the term I hear the most, a lot of trannys thrown in there. I can't get too in depth but I'm willing to answer whatever.

I want a NEET girlfriend and I wouldn't act like that, but it doesn't matter because NEET girls want NEET boyfriends. It's like I improved myself and now I can't get what I want, I have to try and seduce some gross normalfag.

Why did you choose this life? Or perhaps do you feel that you never chose anything, that life simply unfolded this way and there was no avoiding it, just an endless series of causes and effects that were inescapable, your present reality an inevitability from the moment of the big bang?

sounds hot, would be a slave to a femanon

Is this like a sex trafficking thing? Do you have a pimp?

>move in with fembot I met on here (we only talked for a little bit prior to this)
>lets me stay for free as long as I do some chores and take care of the dog
>live cozy NEET existence
>she is very cute and walks around with just a towel on

it was a pretty good experience.

>my day is strictly scheduled and I'm treated more like a mannequin than a person.
So it's like you have a job?

God, I want this. How'd you get it?

I chose it, I was honeydicked into it but I chose it. Like I said, technically I'm allowed to leave but if I leave then all those top ups they do would disappear.
Sort of, the focus is arm candy but I haven't met anyone who wasn't whored out here and there.
Yes, but it never ends. I'm always on the clock, I'm not always working but I have to drop everything as soon as they call.

itt tranny whore discovers prostitution is not that cool n epic

>Sometimes, it's mostly strangers.

You mean he gets you to fuck other people?
Does he sit there and jack off? Is it more of a voyeur thing or does he have a cuckold fetish?

It's interesting you say you chose it. My life used to be absolutely terrible and now it's so awesome and marvelous, I never thought i'd ever be as happy as I am now, but I don't think I chose any of it, the recent good or the previous bad. I've always figured free will is an illusion.

You believe you have free will? Do you believe in an afterlife?

wow I would love an older guy to take advantage of my naivety, take me in as a neet roommate, make me completely dependent on them and turn me into a live in maid/pet and use my boipussy as an onahole. I'm going to /soc/ right now

I made this bait post where I said all women are heartless and would rather me die on the streets than let me live in their guest room. I didn't really believe that, but I thought it would draw some people in.

No no he's less like a master and more like a boss.
I don't know, I've dealt with this long enough to come to terms with it. I chose it, doesn't matter what they did to sway me, I still said yes. And I dunno, I've heard some kooky things but I don't think the universe is anything more than a swirling chaos

Thank you, I will now become homeless to attract girls to take care of me

No shit if a man let's you live in their house rent free they're expecting you to be their 24/7 fuck toy.
I honestly want to know what you expected. pls tell me this is LARP and trannies aren't really this dumb

She would wake me up each day by having her and the dog jump on me in bed and she'd cook me rice and beans and we would have heart-to-heart conversations while she sat cross-legged in my door frame.

Working hard rn so that I can be in a position where I can comfortably support another person, preferably a femboy off Zig Forums. Why would I behave badly towards him? I just want to make him feel loved and to enable him to live the life I would've ended up living had I made some different decisions in the past, meaning staying home and playing vidya, etc... Cuddling and kissing are also nice, though I'm not a big fan of sex, with men that is.

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I don't know, i know how it sounds but you really don't know what it's like unless you go through it. And I don't want anyone to go through this, so I'm just trying to let people know why it's not a dream life. It's not a freeing experience.

What I'm saying is not everyone is like you, that there are some people here who are recruiters for people wanting an easy life. I might have even gotten lucky, at least my room is nice and I can't complain about how I look. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm basically a slave.

Well what can I say, you chose wrong. Get out of there and find something else that works for you, even though it might be hard at first it will be worth it in the end. You're the master of your own fate.

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Some real sick freaks on this site

It's really not that easy. Do I have money saved up? Yes, but what about buying out my contract? Where am I going to live? What am I going to do for work? I can't keep doing what I do now, I'd be black listed, and I couldn't work at some normal retail job, I'd be laughed out of the store. That's not to mention what happens to me if I go off my top ups.

>What I'm saying is not everyone is like you
Makes sense. Good men don't get selected, no matter what they do.

How could he ever black list you out of every job opportunity? Besides, you'll only be able to pursue your current occupation up until you'll be 30-35 or even earlier, you won't stay young forever. What then? You need a back up plan.

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No I'm not going to end up like one of those girls who disappears. I've accepted my place, like I said I'm not destitute. I'm just warning others that the path I went down isn't a fun one.