I know I'm not a perfect woman. I have a lot of flaws and problems going on my life right now...

I know I'm not a perfect woman. I have a lot of flaws and problems going on my life right now. But what is certain is my need for love and caring... I seek nothing more than a man who loves me for who I am and wants to help me getting over all my problems and save me from this nightmare. I would be a good wife, I promise so.

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Other urls found in this thread:


hello ;D ^^

sure! where'd you live?

have you virginity?

not interested in anything, but do you have source on pic related?
it's a wonderful painting

So fucking what? Why do you deserve any of that? You'll get it because you got so many desperate guys wanting a sliver of anything but why do you deserve it? How many guys on here want so desperately the same shit you want only for you and your sisters to deem them unworthy of it period. Fuck off this board harpy

Bitch you ain't fooling me, getting over your problems? That comes within or some cliche bullshit, you're pandering hard to those anons who get their cocks rock hard when they think of saving some poor damsel. You know why you're here, go jump off a bridge, that's why you really need to do.

It's unfortunate but I have nothing to offer other than my digital company

Hello, user.
I'm from Europe but I'm really paranoid so I don't want to specify where do I live but I hate this country.
Yes, I'm a virgin.
Idk it's from a collection of paintings I downloaded some time ago.
That's really nice and I apreciate that!

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OP is probably a goddamn sissy craving for attention

oof, 200 replies

>Yes, I'm a virgin.

>>Hello, user.

Omg, thank you! godbye now, and I wish you all the best and lots of happiness!

>Idk it's from a collection of paintings I downloaded some time ago.
no worries, i suppose you have good taste
and i respect your honesty itt, hope you find someone someday, or at least find peace in being alone

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I'm 18 years old.
No I'm not.
Why are you so rude? I'm just here to talk with ppl because I'm so lonely and I'm not very happy just like the average robot.
Same for you! :-)
Thank you very much user.

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>paranoid about saying what country she's from
Yep boys, just beware this is almost certainly a popular e-whore who's fucked over countless men, if you fall for this you deserve whatever comes to you.

shut the fuck up womanbreather, sage

>I'm 18 years old.
same. what hobbies have you?

would you like to talk privately? I live in the US and you seem nice

Stop LARPing as Marky, you stupid whore.

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>That's really nice and I apreciate that!
Ok. What do you enjoy talking about?

I know I'm not a perfect man. I have a lot of flaws and problems going on my life right now. But what is certain is my need for love and caring... I seek nothing more than a woman who loves me for who I am and wants to help me getting over all my problems and save me from this nightmare. I would be a good husband, I promise so.

>same. what hobbies have you?
I like reading and playing violin. I'm not really good at it but I'm trying my best.
Sure, why not. I don't use discord but you can post you're email and I will write you something.
>Ok. What do you enjoy talking about?
Hmm... I like to talk about feelings a lot and music. I listen to music all day.

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i don't want a wife.
i want someone to experience life with

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Even reversed that still sounds super sweet!

Be safe with who you talk with. Good luck fellow femanon. You seem super sweet. I am rooting for you :)

Assuming this isn't just a larp, [email protected]

my friend used to play the violin. i can play the fife, its a sort of flute. are you a part of a band or anything?


Wow thank you user. I hope you're doing fine. Have a nice day! ;-)
Cool, I will write to you later!
No, I just like playing alone. This is something I'm trying to learn. I know it's kinda overrated but It's so beautiful...

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thats a cool one to learn. you ought learn some classics too, something like patchelbells canon is super easy.

just tell us where u from

I will try to learn it too, thank you! :-)
Sorry user but I can't... Please understand!

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what can you play already?

>what can you play already?
This one.
Also trying to learn this one because I have a wedding in a few months I would like to play the piano there.

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>Hmm... I like to talk about feelings a lot and music. I listen to music all day.
Nice I don't listen to nor know much about music myself. What do you usually listen to?

any good sites where i can find traditional paintings of woman?
they're really relaxing, and a good change of pace from all the anti-femininity in the current year.

Okay, i will bury a body with you but you have to do the same for me too. Like metaphorically, something like that will obviously never happen in normal life. Thats all i ask, even from just a friend. Your money or lifestyle or reputation does not matter. Its strange most people think this is a scary thing to want, it's just loyalty.

you seem talented, you deserve someone who cares about you. do you have many friends whom you hang out with irl?

>What do you usually listen to?
Usually some jazz/piano/violin pieces. Something comfy and relaxing because I don't like music too loud. Like this:
Idk sorry I downloaded those from /t/ a long time ago...
Loyalty and honor are two things I valuate the most too. And of course I would do anything for you if you were my friend or my husband. Don't like to sound edgy but you know? Kill for someone doesn't sound that bad... But I'm not saying this, ok? ;-)
Oh, thank you user. I don't have many friends, just a few good old friends from my childhood. Sometimes we go hiking or camping together. It's really fun.

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>inb4 running away from this bait

but seriously i love your taste in art, give me a message if its the last thing you do today.

heres my stats:

18 y/o
currently employed

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Do you hate your country because of poverty or a strict regime, or moral ruin?