I am publicly known for my criminal actions that brought """shame"""" to the town. I was convicted of two crimes in my entire life. I solicited a prostitute once when I was 20 in college and everyone knows I did it. I also tortured a dog in my home down by tieing it up and using the cheese grater to shred its stomach, penis, and face.
I've received death-threats, had my windows smashed, people who know about my crimes hate me and don't come near me. People who have kids cross the street when they see me.
I don't personally know which crime people find worse but having that "criminal" label makes you seen as a freak. Also my criminal record prevents me from getting any kind of job.
What's worse is when a bunch of criminal retards accuse you of being a criminal and make up bullshit rumors about you when you're basically a saint.
Jaxon Lopez
you should be shot and killed and left to bloat in the sun
Adam Reyes
you deserve it for solicitation you sick fuck. I hope you burn in hell.
Asher Scott
Is this what happened to you?
Why? I served my court-ordered punishments. Why should I be shot?
You're far worse than I ever could be.
Brandon Gray
The second one most definitely, what the actual fuck.
Christian Murphy
>I don't personally know which crime people find worse you were so close to making a good troll thread, but you went just ever so slightly too far there. it's not believable anymore, sorry. 3/10 for effort
Charles Robinson
>Could i still become a politician in a small state?
Isaiah Morris
yep that's what happened to me.
Liam Peterson
Explain why I deserve anything more than what the law already punished me with?
Well it's a religious town and I know religious people don't believe animals have souls so I'm thinking why do they give a fuck about the dog?