Did any robots grow up with a sister? What was it like?
Did any robots grow up with a sister? What was it like?
absolute shit
she was the most vile person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing and I've pretty much disowned her in my mind
Why? Did she bully you?
Me being a jealous dick to her.
Her being cold with me.
But now we're good, she takes me to KFC sometimes.
like a best friend. Lots of free shit and food. Comes with fighting and silent treatments but you always make up.
Annoying as hell. I basically never have personal space
Had a sister and a step-sister. Step-sister was cuter, better, and we hung out a lot. Probably the only person I got along with in my family
one is cool and the other is entitled and annoying
she's a becky just like my sister
i have a TWIN sister and she stole my oneitis and I'll never forgive her.
Horrible except for getting to smell her panties when I was alone
Have a younger Stacy sister. She and our Chad younger brother were shits to me.
Later found out they "just made out" at a party and practically ended any kind of respect I had for them.
They still ended up better off than me. She's a store manager and brother is some corporate douche. And I'm a NEET at 28.
Nope. But I had to live with a step-sister for a few years during high school. She was attractive but disgusting. Constantly leaving make up and stuff in the bathroom in the way of the sink, tons of used dishes in her room, hoarding food in her room, regularly clogged the shower drain, never cleaned anything of hers besides clothes.
Was that because she's a girl though? Wouldn't that be the same with a brother?
Same here. And because she's a female she gets a pass on yelling and talking back to my mom. And if I do the same? It's the end of the fucking world because user here spoke up for once.
I don't have i but if what i heard is true ... it is not like porn . It is like having a brother but 10time worse cause they don't have the same hobbies with you and you just can't relate to them . Some turn to sjw and some become whore and become death weight to the family . Have a brother ( old - young ) is better than have a sister .
we had a rivalry when we both were little and would annoy the shit out of each other
But we get along just fine now
I can relate. I've always wanted a brother to play games with. Every attempt at bonding with my sister is always a big effort and results in complete awkwardness. It doesn't feel natural.
I don't know, I don't care. I just wish she'd leave me alone but it's hard when she has antisocial tendencies and we live in the same house. We even share the same bedroom so no privacy there either...
there is literally nothing wrong with incest
in fact, incest between a brother and sister is the most pure love that can exist
youre disgusting and people like you should be rounded up and killed
Those are some masculine hands.
You're even more disgusting than incestAnon.
Violence is not the answer!
my mom drilled bitchiness and an entitled mindset into her
my mom kept my dad from ever disciplining her when she stepped majorly out of line
her retarded hobbies after school like 4-6 hours of dance each night during the week that i got drug along to were why i never got free time before sometime after midway through high school
she is never willing to admit when she has done something wrong - instead she continues to double down harder and harder
she dresses in incredibly slutty clothing wherever she goes
she was and still is a major burden on the family finances
i dont answer her calls or texts. i cant stand her and would rather have been an only child than have her as my only sibling
i also forgot to mention how until sometime in high school she used to go through my things to figure out what i was doing aka snooping in my business majorly. she couldnt really do that anymore after it got to a point where i kept everything locked down with passwords and other things she would never think of
during the brief times i would try to hang out with my few friends after getting back from her retarded "hobbies" each day of the week, she would proceed to rape the internet in whatever way possible so my connection would unironically drop every few seconds. my parents never seemed to care no matter how desperately i pleaded
shes also incredibly fake and puts on a massive act whenever she is around other people. in private she's vicious and a despicable individual who does not like ever being told no
i should also mention that my mom demanded i let her use some of my devices such as my phone whenever she messed hers up and she would always somehow mess mine up permanently after a few days. she has a massive tendency to not give a shit about other peoples stuff and it really pisses me off
i could go on but im gonna stop here
For degenerates like you it is.
not really me but she bullied my little bro
she destroyed a bunch of my shit and is an absolute sociopathic liar though
it's a bit funny how the few times she had friends over she was called out for being a bitch towards us too
reminder that incestfags are almost ALWAYS single children and just need an excuse to fap to porno situations
Can't even imagine it desu how weird it would be to have a female around my age just living with you for years, what a mindfuck
I have a little sister, it's annoying. She's a brat and never did anything I said, and when we argued my parents always took her side. Now she's a lazy slob that's always bossing me around, but I want to fuck her because she's the only female my age I'm close to.
I have an older sister. We mostly just ignored each other, but sometimes she would sleep in my bed when we were younger, probably when she had nightmares or something.
Sister 4 years younger than me.
I talked her into sucking my dick once, then she blackmailed me with it for months.