Alright boys, we're writing a song, and it's gonna be HEAVY. I'm gonna need three things from you guys to get started.
1. Some lyrics 2. A random letter from A to G 3. After someone gives me my random letter, I need another user to give that user a (You) specifying "Sharp," "Standard," or "Flat."
Kali Kali crack my bones Christus Christus leave me alone I'll burn the book I'm so fucking bored And I just wanna be shook
Have you ever wanked to a pure idea? There's nothing to fear You know you can aestheticize your sex You can completely sexualize your fear. Anything is possible here Anything is possible here But nothing is real here Kali Kali crack my bones I'm so fucking bored i need a cone Could you lend me a synthesized tear? I'll trade you my beating heart Together we might break the hex There'd be no more reason for shame Then there'd be no cause for fear But we'd still never touch We'd still never feel I'd still be cold and alone And I'd still be fiending a cone So Kali come and crack my bones!!
was gonna try and write this for myself last night, but maybe u can use it as a place to start.
Carter James
maybe would be tough if the bones got ground down and packed into the cone idk how those words would go to music
also C sharp i guess... pls post if u get it done id be keen to hear
Logan Lopez
If anyone is around in an hour or two I'll record a drop d riff on electric guitar
Cameron Powell
It's coming along little by little. I have to edit the lyrics a little to make it flow though.
im back I can write a guitar rff in drop d if you want to bring down some of the notes
Jacob Lewis
aw fuck yeah good on ya man
these kinda threads are the best
Carson Stewart
based Drop D user. I played my version in a downtuned C sharp standard (technically D flat I guess?) since that's what user requested and my guitar was already in D standard, so it didn't take much effort going down another half step and dicking with it in the open position instead of playing some weird high pitched shit on the other end of the neck. I mean I like doing that too but I wasn't in the mood for it and it didn't fit the lyrics well when I tried it. Looking forward to hearing your version soon!
Thanks user. Really thank you guys, turning weird shitposts on Zig Forums into songs is some of the best improvisation practice I've gotten, this is way better than mindlessly playing against backing tracks.
Chase Murphy
>HEAVY If it's not Slam Metal, it's not heavy enough.
Michael Kelly
wrote this riff really quick
not my best, but i dont really have that much time to clean it up or make it any better.
Very nice. Sounds way better than my sloppy muted chord progressions.
Julian Allen
Thanks I have only been playing for less than half a year and mostly just been playing TOOL
Drop d is fun, really easy to create a good melody since you can just do power chords for day
Zachary Davis
I was never able to get into drop tunings. I get the general idea but it throws me off too much on the scale patterns I know. You got any tips for making it work better?
Carson Russell
I mean only the low e string is dropped so the rest of the guitar is the same. You can just google drop d pentatonic scales and find some scales to follow
Josiah Ward
In F minor pentatonic "I feel a whale coming... Coming into my bones I feel my spine tingling And I'm so far from
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Demon Lord! Rain down onto me from the sky Oh, Demon Lord! Take me to the heavens of hate x2
I feel the storm brewin I'm gonna open up my eyes I feel the surge move in Right above all your lies
*pause in music*
Am a Demon Lord! "
Good luck
Jonathan Myers
I know to tune it, it just doesn't really click for me when I try to play anything with it. It's probably just not for me.
Luke Walker
Cool riff, user. Not trying to be a gearfag, but what do you use to get your tone?
Logan Robinson
Man your tone is trash. What's your signal chain?
Noah Hill
It's mostly my recording software. I have a katana mkii and am just recording through the usb which really squashes the sound
Regardless my chain is booster mod fix eq delay reverb
Jacob White
I have a katana mkii with an ibanez gio.
I really need better recording software because the tone gets squashed going through the usb.