Whatever happened to 25+ threads?
Did those anons give up?
Whatever happened to 25+ threads?
Did those anons give up?
>Did those anons give up?
l think so. There's a few of us left, fewer every year. We're dinosaurs, no board for old robots
They all died from old age.
>over 25+
>no motivation in life
>shit job
This is why the 25+ threads stopped, its all the same boring shit we are going through
The board is mostly 19-20 year olds. I feel like the awkward guy standing alone in the corner at a party with no one to talk to. I won't be sticking around much longer either.
I think many gave up or left. This board has always had a core demographic of 18-21 for as long as I've been here. Even I'm aging out of this demographics now, I can't imagine how old fags feel. I would be lying if I didn't feel melancholic about becoming an old fag myself, r9k is really the only place I had when I've been all along for these years. I don't know where I'll go or who I'll relate my feels to once I am officially old fag status (25+). It would almost feel like I'm intruding on what should be an 18-21 y/o board.
>I won't be sticking around much longer either.
That's what we all say
you can only make the same whinepost so many times before you start to annoy even yourself
honestly i think this is the main reason the core demographic of this board is always late teens/early 20s. at a certain point you've said/read everything here. at a certain point this board doesn't have enough to offer anymore to keep coming here. you can only read the same blackpill so many times before it's basically the same as reading a restaurant menu.
>no board for old robots
great movie title, hope to see it on neetflix one day