How old are you and how much hope do you still have of finding love?

How old are you and how much hope do you still have of finding love?

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I'm 22 and I did find love. Don't lose hope, user.

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no hope by choice. romantic relationships are stupid. relationships in general are really.

very strange behaviors

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Literally none. Even if I wasn't mentally ill, I still wouldn't be able to find love because it's a construct and doesn't accurately portray human interactions.

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Not much, I'm a manchild and afraid to talk to girls

Love is basically really rare considering that only 10% of women are "normal". Tbh i just want to have a wife at the age of 40 only to have kids, i want her to be as ugly as possible so there is less chance she will cheat on me

0% chance of finding gf

22. I have a small hope of finding love. I'm hoping the "peaking at 30" isn't a meme thing because I think I might eventually be monetarily successful, I'm working on several projects.
That being said I really want a cute virgin, that doesn't seem to exist anymore but maybe all the redpilling on tiktok will mean more 18yos are virgins when I am 30? I doubt it though, women are complete sluts now and body 100 men by their 20s. So my only chance would be to find some sweet cunny and tenderly love and care for her and marry her when she becomes legal and take her virginity as she takes mine and we love each other as husband and wife

almost 21
I don't have many expectations with this life anymore. I never had any friends moving into adulthood and haven't had a single romantic moment in my life, haven't spoken to a marriageable woman in real life since high school.

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Do any of you loveless fish have any clue why I can't post a new thread, but I can reply to other threads? That's pretty weird. When I try I just get linked through to the newest post. Have I been damned by the Zig Forums pooflords?

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Now post the pic where I get the hug.

I think it's just the board telling you to participate in discussion instead of pushing threads to die.
Idk what the fuck is happening but r9k feels completely dead tonight, such a slow reply time from everyone.

>Idk what the fuck is happening but r9k feels completely dead tonight, such a slow reply time from everyone.
It's dead everyday. This board is so slow nowadays. I more or less returned literally just to help give it a bit of life.

18 and 0% now after what I did with my older sisters ex. I'm horrible and thinking of jumping from a bridge

29. i have hopes. i found it a few years back but it didnt last forever. it was real though and it made me grow a lot. now that corona lockdown is slowly ending im looking forward to meeting new girls again

29 and I don't need hope anymore, I have my waifu and various media of escapism.

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>I'm hoping the "peaking at 30"
It's 30 to 50 is your prime time, as you don't start to get really awful breakdown of your body or mind until after around 50. A lot of people both male and female are unhealthy and end up looking awful as they say "the wall" around 30. I'm one of the sort with genetics and health that allow me to be indistinguishable from a mid-20s guy.

One of the problems you'll face as you mature to that point is the "leftovers" are almost all absolutely terrible. They have something wrong with them, and that's why they didn't succeed in a relationship. So you better not get your hopes up to meet some great 30 y/o virgin and score big time with a wonderful fairy-tale life.

That shit just doesn't happen.

Seriously what happened? I left for like a 3 months because of quarantine and my discord alt got banned and I couldn't socialize with all the r9k friends I had added.
Now I got a new accnt and the board is dead like what.

It might actually be some sort of bug with the site, if it was intentional I'd expect a message like the ban messages that say "hey fucko, why don't you post in another thread instead of shitting up the board with your threads nobody every replies to?"

Instead it just acts fucked up which is typically a sign of a bug.

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Fuck. Fuck fuck fucking shitfuck motherfucker. So close to four nanas.

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>r9k friends i had added
But I imagine it's for a variety of reasons. One is that this place is pretty negative and lots of people leave for their mental health. Another big reason is that a lot of people left during the height of the tranny raids.

>meeting a 30 y/o virgin
bro did you not see the spoiler, ain't no fucking way I'd date a woman my own age when I'm 30.

zero, nothing, none
gotten close with several girls and nothing came of it

Friends aren't gross, what's gross is having time for them. Don't you bozos have something better to do that jerk each other off and play cross-arm soggy biscuit?
>tfw you will never be pegged by a mido-rightsaber

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Friends aren't gross, befriending Discordfags is gross.

I don't really care anymore, not worth it


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>Friends aren't gross, befriending Discordfags is gross.
If you're so stuck up and hateful of anything you consider outside your supposed "clique" or "identity" that you think you can define a difference between something like IRC, discord or Zig Forums in any sensible way, I'm sorry. That's sad.

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22 i have met many women, i am currently dating a very nice lady but i cant see her due to covid.

shits not looking good user

> I suppose hope that things will get better is why I haven't killed my self yet.

user, I hate Discordfags because they're all teenage pedophiles. I don't care that they use Discord, I use it for non-Discordfag shit.
I'd probably have a higher opinion of Discordfags if they didn't constantly spam this board with shitty drama and advertisements for their tranny servers.

>teenage pedophiles
This doesn't make sense. You're saying they're age 12 to 19 and they all want to have sexual relations with those 0 to 11?

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>You're saying they're age 12 to 19 and they all want to have sexual relations with those 0 to 11?
Yes, you got it user. I'm glad you can read.


this is your brain on discord

They've sadly redefined the age of 12 as "tween" because their tranny hormone popping sondaughter screams so loudly that hesh's mature now not a kid anymore rather than a supremely immature 20-something like it actually means according to its source.

>Prior to Tolkien adopting the word, 'tween was used as a contraction of between. Tolkien infused it with a different meaning in The Fellowship Of The Ring, where he described a tween as a hobbit between the ages of 20 and 33, when they officially come of age.

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31, no hope, almost NEET, on spaz money, no friends, live with family, hardly ever leave the house, spend all day in bed, do nothing, I want to die.

>this is your brain on discord
You know; a wizard's hat is not merely pointy because it looks cool. Oh ho ho, oh no, no certainly not - It represents that the focal point of magical energy is in the mind.

The energy of the mind is focused inward, drawn from cosmic ley lines and collected before being directed outward to the infinitesimal point at the tip of the hat. When magical energy is concentrated in such a way it forms a tear as it is cast across the boundaries of the planes into the domains of the gods.

As it is cast across the planes it is as a sticky sort of hook, which then catches the marionette strings attached to the wizard or mage themselves by the gods in the target plane. By tugging back upon these strings, the balance of others is upset, allowing the wizard to influence the strings attached to nearby objects or elements of this reality or the plane in which the wizard resides. Through this process the wizard can unnaturally manipulate the flow of energy in this plane to for example conjurer forth flames or bolts from the fingers, or restrain the ability of an opponent mage rendering them temporarily less precise or even magically impotent.

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>this is your brain
The name of the hook cast across the planes is "spell". This knowledge has been handed down from master to apprentice for eons past. Once you have honed your mind as I have, then you may challenge me and whence found righteous be granted the powers of an honored wizard.

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28, love only exists short term during the honeymoon