
Time for sleep edition

Attached: july thread.jpg (3877x2823, 1.86M)

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I can't wait to go to sleep, when I wake up I can lift again.

Is britfeel prolife or prochoice?

What kind of girls do you like? I like tomboys, especially if they're tall or athletic even though I'm a short nerd

Pro-life, unless the baby is non-white.

Why the fuck did you need to thread split? The other one was posted first, cunt

Why did you need to record a girl taking a shit? We all have questions.

For years I've convinced myself that I'm not interested in relationships, but I am, it's just such an impossible task for me that I've repressed that desire.

Pathetic OPs desperation to win the thread war by samefagging

How much money would you need to save in % terms for you to consider buying a card in "good" condition instead of excellent or NM

Say for example NM costs 10, would you buy a GOOD condition for 7.50? How much lower would the price need to go for you?