i am bored someone please help
I am bored someone please help
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
are you a cool girl or just a boring boy or a cool boy or a boring girl
make me want to message u, hottie
>make me want to message u, hottie
this. post boipucci OP.
im vomiting pls stop sir no
you seem like someone who would judge an autistic robot like me so I won't message you allie
sorry you missed out
youre really fucking bad at making me want to message you. i hope you have a terrible day.
yo allie i ghosted u cuz i was trying to lonely that my one friend wouldn't talk to me, but he talked to me so i ghost u and u sound annoying and ur 17 and still underage in high school, get out of r9k thx
^-^ oopsie
im not joking though, ur 17 and shouldn't be here, these guys will try to get u to like them and rape u in the future, get out while u can.
i literally only come on here when im bored you retard why do you think im trying to make buddies on here or some shit lmfao
ok big fag
yeah keep saying that LMAO, dumb bitch go get corana in hs
you are the embodiment of a loser youre 19 and still live with ur mommy and you think you are somehow better than me dumb fuck
Would add you but I dont know if we have anything in common or if you would only chat with me until you are bored
who tf cares if im 19 and living with parents, why would i go get an apartment right out of high school, that dumb american mindset is cringe. plus i'm busy with college and not like you doing ez time in faggot high school.
wont know till u do it :0
youre both really pathetic. what the fuck take this shit to ur cringecord dms literally NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR DRAM SHUT THE FUCK UP GODDAMN
i would but pussy baby blocked me sigh
tell that bitch to get out of here, no underage allowed
ur 19 stop acting like ur so grown LMFAO
still not a high school underage tard like you lmao, i feel bad for u tho, gotta do more online bs bahaha
wow ur sooo coool ur 2 years older than me do you know how fucking stupid you sound
dude i dont really care if im older than you, just saying you shouldn't be on here and try to get some friends irl, you're too fucking young, idgaf if 17 isnt that young, you're young and need to live that good life yknow
you sound like a retard dude for this i will add her
I am quite anxious so I think then I pass on it ^^"
hypocrisy at its finest LOL bitch i dont even get on here often i just like talking to weirdos when im
bored ur not my dad shut the fuck UP already damn
actually i changed my mind, i'm wrong, you should add them and toy with these fucking faggots like this personnvm op, you do your job, you're a goddess.
i like how you went from NOOOO YOU'LL GET RAPED to yeah you'll toy and own these incels...
make up your mind faggot sounds like you have oneitis for this teenager like a simp
sorry im hurt and i dont know how to talk to women, please mommy take these incels down pls ;((