You can either have an 8/10 non-virgin or a 4/10 virgin. Their personalities, interests, etc...

You can either have an 8/10 non-virgin or a 4/10 virgin. Their personalities, interests, etc. are otherwise exactly the same and both are perfectly compatible with you. Choose wisely.

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8/10 non virgin obviously. I'm not stupid

8/10 non virgin. No mentally healthy person actually gives a shit about things like that anyway

On the huge 'virgin thread' couple days ago like 70% of the autists there were complaining that they can't find their pure trad virgin gf.

If I truly love her, then a 4/10 should do. Non-virgins have tendencies I'd rather not deal with

>choose the 8/10
>I'm shallow and only care about looks
>choose the 4/10
>I'm insecure and obsessed with the past
No matter what I choose I lose, so I reject both

I think you're missing the point. Most people heere want virgins because sex havers have horrible personalities and are more likely to betray you, given that her personality is perfect either way it doesn't reallly matter

>Non-virgins have tendencies I'd rather not deal with
In an ordinary situation that would be true, but the OP specifies that their personalities are exactly the same and perfectly compatible with you.

>sex havers have horrible personalities
>Non-virgins have tendencies I'd rather not deal with

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So I'm basically choosing between an ugly girl that's cool or a good looking girl that's cool.
Whew what a choice