Any Chinese fembot preferably with bigger boobs looking for a Chinese robot bf...

Any Chinese fembot preferably with bigger boobs looking for a Chinese robot bf? I'm moderately fit and I'm very kind and gentle.

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As unlikely as it sounds, I only like bigger boobs for aesthetics. I'm not really interested in sex. Oof.

>big boobies are for A E S T H E T I C S not sex
I'm not sure if this is based or comedy

I don't mind how you interpret it. I'm a weird person anyway but I'd rather be myself here than trying to act normal.

Bumperino for girlfrienderino can't believe this is not original

I highly doubt there are any chinese women willing to use Zig Forums.

Actually saw one who claims to have boobs yesterday. But it's hard to say what I want without sounding like a complete pervert.

Probably a larper trying to mess with you.
>claims to have boobs
Are there women without boobs?

Look for a small dicked robot on Grindr who wants to get TOPPED

As in having larger boobs. But yeah it's possible it was just a larper. Regardless, I'd like to try here because it feels that people here have more in common with me than anywhere else, and I did try dating apps and such.