Gatekeeping is a good thing. Change my mind.
Gatekeeping is a good thing. Change my mind
Everything becomes stagnant when there isnt a fresh group of people replenishing the group, your move
Why originally should I?
Don't conflate what you see in the image with reality. Remember, it's only a metaphor. Actual groups are far larger and will find like-minded individuals to join in with fresh, yet fitting perspectives gradually. It doesn't need to be rushed.
>"let's allow people with interior design degrees into the physics lab for some fresh perspective on our g-drive computing techniques!"
The impetuous inclusion of people who do not share the qualities, standards, mindsets, etc. of the existing group members, for the sake of "fresh perspective", is what so often corrupts and dilutes the strength of any community.
If you feel driven to, go ahead.
> Getting booted from your hobby from slightly bigger dudes and women
weak but okay
Exactly. Weak because they didn't gatekeep.
Are we talking about board games or countries or what?
This guy 's right about stagnation of small groups.
Ham radio. Falconry. Those fighting shaolin monks. All have huge barriers to entry, tiny populations of practitioners, and haven't changed much in 100s of years (less for Ham radio obviously)
It's a gate, not a wall. It's purpose is to let people in when they are acceptable to enter.
gatekeepers are unlikable cunts and turn people away from the hobby.
Then so be it. The people who care about the hobby for the sake of it's content will push through and stay.
Didnt you say earlier you need a group of new people constantly?
Sounds like you're one of these gatekeeping cunts.
Gatekeepers are worthless, they are actually vampires that only serve to complain instead of creating.
They are the incels of content.
>gatekeepers are unlikable cunts and turn people away from the hobby.
That's the point user. They have to play part of the Villain to save the day. People who are interested in the hobby won't give a shit about a bunch of gatekeeping retards and participate regardless
They do need new people. They need quality new people. You seem to think that we need everyone to join to keep a hobby alive. There is a fine balancing act in maintaining the quality of a hobby and keeping it alive.
This but also, sure there's overlap between excessively critical cunts and genuinely useful gatekeepers, but saying they're always the same is fallacious. Your strong language makes me think you've had trouble fitting in places and possibly feel entitled to enter any group you so please.
>serve to complain instead of creating
What are they supposed to be creating?
Try swapping out "gatekeeper" with "unwanted guests"
Nah, you are just absurding it to the opposite end of the scale. It sounds like you guys take pride in being cunts.
Life is casual you fucknuggets, your standards don't mean shit to other people, it comes off as annoying.
I only see those kept outside of the gates complaining, personally.
Don't be intellectually dishonest. Gate keeping is a means of guaranteeing quality. You see it literally everywhere in the world. Why do you think companies interview you for a career? Why do you think the highest tier schools require certain test scores? Why do you think groups of experts maintain close circles? If a hobby requires any sort of skill or creativity, chances are there will be gatekeepers in order to prevent the noise floor of idiots from getting unmanageable.
Yes you do, the more the merrier.
That's how things grow and become popular enough for you to notice and for everyone to get added value from it.
You are human cancer
nice argument bro.
"I'm going to whine about how everyone who tells me I can't join their club is an unlikable cunt even though I'm the one annoyingly intruding on a community whose experiences and values I don't share"
Sorry people actually take things that matter to them seriously. Not every place is for everyone user. It's not your birthday, you can't open the presents.
To some extent, but I think it should only be applied to things that are not individuals. If a scene is ruined because of an individual it was already weak or trash to begin with.
Nah, I agree.
Gatekeeping is necessary to stop things from being destroyed from the inside by people with ill-intentions.
I mean it sucks a little when you are first getting into something, but if you actually care then you would take the time to lurk and learn enough to get past the gates and thus accepted in the community.
If you aren't willing to put the effort in and don't want to inform yourself then you really don't belong.
>don't be intellectually dishonest.
>jobs/education are the same as hobbies.
user, stop.
That's not what gatekeeping means taken under the context of a hobby, that's why you can only provide examples of private groups that even there aren't that good, because the advantage of concentrating profit pales in comparison to thriving in innovation and transparency as it happened with things like open source.
Quality > quantity. Very basic concept. More doesn't mean better. A community is strong and valuable when there is unified action and thought. That is reduced when just anyone is allowed to participate. The soccer players don't join the wrestling match because they're not wrestlers. If they wanted to be wrestlers, they'll have to have experienced the appropriate training and care enough about the sport to compete. But they're not going to just jump in when a tournament starts.
Nobody wants retarded casuals in their games, they RUIN the game, if they aren't willingly making the sacrifice of some of their time to learn and conform with the community they should fuck off.
>i'm gonna put words into his mouth because i don't acutally know how to point out flaws.
Those people who take shit super serious generally get isolated because nobody likes them and SERIOUS WORK isn't the same as fanbases/hobbies and nobody likes the sperg ruining their time because they're not doing it right.
In OP's image the last panel the founders don't leave pissed off, they leave with money, intellectual property and control to change the rules as they see fit in future iterations, in case the new players discovered flaws in the game which means they can improve it.
The pic is just a poor attempt at misogyny that uses your fondness for the old days and desire to feel special or to be a relevant part of something, when you most likely never were.
Yeah, keep up that frame of mind gamer. I bet you'll get really high rank in csgo.
No its not. You have to control who enters you community. Like board games - even if you got the funniest, the roleplaying fag who generates cool ideas, but he don't learn rules, don't prepare, don't respect time and scheduling - fuck this noise and you too.
The purpose of any creative or skill based hobby is mastery or masterful creation of whatever art your hobby concerns. Communities that maintain high quality individuals allow for everyone to benefit through shared knowledge with low noise. If you let noise in, it makes communication more difficult and stifles the creative process. The fact that you see a hobby as something less suggests that you aren't interested in mastery in the first place. You are there for your own entertainment, not for the sake of the expanding the hobby itself. And your own entertainment will often detract from the goal of the hobby, leading to pockets of low quality behavior that needs to be unnecessarily managed.
You keep confusing the idea of a hyper critical sperg with the reality that is quality control by gatekeeping. Gatekeeping doesn't always include people "taking shit super serious" and becoming isolated. If a group is kept small to preserve quality and a sense of community, then so be it, but that's not isolation. Many fanbases and hobbies are fun, sure, but that doesn't mean they're casual. Fun can be dedicated and carefully thought out and acted upon. Maybe you're afraid of criticism and being told to improve? I'm not sure. I value even the most absurdly critical spergs because at least they show passion. At least innovation comes out of that obsessive nitpicking.
As a very simple example, consider a martial art. You allow everyone to at least attempt to participate. However beginners are restricted in what they can do. They can't duel. They can't teach. They have to respect the higher level members. You are gatekept through every rank until the master is ready to promote you, giving you more responsibilities.
Now let's imagine what would happen without gatekeeping. The beginners vastly outnumber the higher ranks. They do whatever the fuck they want, dueling with eachother and fucking around. No respect is paid to the master. They never learn a single form and it becomes a fight club instead. No mastery, no art, just worthless noise.
See, you just sound like a sperg. Not everyone is here to ruin your super secret club.
You think everyone is trying to 'achieve mastery' with their free time? This simple, hivemind mindset, for the greater good shit is retarded and you're fucking autistic.
Quantity begets quality, that's why soccer became the king of the sports and wrestling is just wrestling.
It's easier to get into soccer, you just need something to kick and somewhere to kick to, while wrestling is just a limited way of fighting. It's not surprising MMA as a more inclusive approach, ended up becoming more popular while WWE is considering a retarded fake performance.
And anyone can get into wrestling btw, you clearly don't even understand what OP is supposed to be talking about
You didn't even read the last panel. It literally says they take their resources, and start something anew, only for this whole shitshow to start over in a vicious cycle.
Yeah, you can walk back your point however you want. I still think you're a cunt.
>karate class degenerates into mad max in hours.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
This is how the professional world works. This is how the higher skilled groups work. Call it whatever word you want, it achieves results and your bitching won't change any of that.
based retard with a fried brain