Fembots, if you vote for Joe Biden and he wins, harassing women will become normal and it'll be justified since you're a "Karen".
Fembots, if you vote for Joe Biden and he wins...
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i cant get harassed if i dont leave the house. checkmate atheists.
biden won't win, lol. he literally has dementia
>she thinks she will have property rights once Biden lets all the jogger Americans out of prison
>property rights
youre stupid if you think you own anything under the current system anyway. anything you "own" can be seized by the government anytime they want.
What's wrong with her eyes. Do women really?
I feel bad for her she lost her job cause some nigger was harassing her. Nigger are such pussies was he scared of that tiny little dog or What?
They're pressing charges against her. For calling the police on a man who tried to steal her dog.
It's actually insane how white people are becoming second class citizens in this country.
And Trump doesn't? He has so many rape allegations and literally admitted to sexual harassment
Yeah America is a fucking dump now
>calling the police on a man who tried to steal her dog.
lol where did you get that story from
>tried to steal her dog
incorrect. She called the police to falsely accuse the jogger of assaulting her in reaction to being asked to leash her dog, which is a crime. False Accusation. She will serve her 7 years in jail with no parole hopefully.
you're just racist
> Amy Cooper's dog was unleashed in the Ramble, an area where leashing is required; she allegedly refused Christian Cooper's request that her dog be leashed. Christian Cooper then said, as is written on his Facebook, "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it." This caused Amy Cooper to become suspicious and frightened. When Christian Cooper beckoned the dog toward him with a dog treat, Amy Cooper yelled "Don't you touch my dog!" She ultimately placed a call to 9-1-1 when Christian Cooper started recording her, but by the time New York City Police Department officers responded, both parties had left
>wow im just going to copy paste from an article with no sourcing im so fucking smart
The source is the fucking video you absolute mong. twitter.com
aaah yes, the american "left" fear mongering
go eat shit
Why is the dog is in the same position on both pictures ?
It's not fear mongering when the fear is legitimate.
>he told her to get away from him in the video
sucks seeing that dog get choked like that.
Why are you defending some nigger? God this site really went to shit didn't it. Mind your own fucking business it's a happy and small dog what the fucj are you scared about it
Why are you defending some roastie? God this site has gone to shit, hasn't it? Go simp somewhere else, you numale faggot.
its like you didn't watch the fucking video
the dog was not happy she was literally FUCKING CHOKING HER DOG
So did Reagan.
>it's a happy and small dog
that dog was jumping around trying to get free and spun around so much it was yelping. not a good time for that pup. also i hate lying slags.
Because look at her she's just trying to walk her dog and now her life is ruined? Why? Cause some nigger was butthurt over nothing?
Well yeah she didn't deserve to be harassed for walking her dog. And the videos on these things are never accurate you don't know what happened before the nigger started recording
>she didn't deserve to be harassed for walking her dog
yeah, she did. whats so hard about following the rules?
Like how she started putting the leash on the dog so she would appear more innocent. Considering that's what the man called her out for not leashing the mutt to begin with.
>Because look at her she's just trying to walk her dog and now her life is ruined?
She was breaking the law. Everything was her own fault, she could have just leashed her dog but she had to be an entitled whore.
>Just mind ya own business!
Lol literal nigger logic, you hypocrite.
Oh no the poodle was jumping around better pull out my phone and start crying like a dumb nigger. Yeah the dog was freaking out because a nigger was yelling at her. Fucking retard
this is why white women are so shitty. dudes like you kissing their asses even when they need to get slapped.
Niggers dont mind their own business this video is proof that you pea brain
It's not a fucking law. That's like calling the cops on someone for j walking. It's pathetic. I could understand if you had a massive Rottweiler or something but that dog isn't hurting anyone. Don't even reply to me you're clearly to retarded and you deserve to burn in a fire
Yeah stay mad because white women find your mutt race disgusting lol.
>It's not a fucking law.
never said it was. it is a thing the caretakers of the park want you to do to keep a safe and happy environment for everyone at the park though
>That's like calling the cops
he didnt call the cops, she did.
>I could understand if you had a massive Rottweiler or something but that dog isn't hurting anyone.
you cant makes exceptions or the rule wont mean anything to anyone.
>Niggers dont mind their own business this video is proof that you pea brain
Niggers tell people to mind their own business and let them be criminals. Your roastie whore waifu did the same thing but it's okay because a rare negro told her to get her to stop being a piece of shit and that triggers the polcel in you. Cuck faggots like you deserve to be #MeToo'd.
>never said it was. it
>She was breaking the law
I told you not to reply retard and this is why
Since when is walking your dog against the law? Retard. The only cuck is you clearly
that wasnt me. there are more people itt that just you and me shizo
Lol are you living in a cave? Coalburners are coming out in the open across the country, across the world. Americans are a mongrel people.
Without a leash in the park, you braindead ape. Do you even know anything about what you're arguing about or are your just whiteknighting on impulse like the lifeless polcel you are?