Autistic Interests

What are your autistic interests?

Mine are:
celeb gossip
kpop industry gossip
collecting photos of women, faces or body and trying to figure out the rules that make them pretty.

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_solrogers_files_2019_04_Autism-Awareness-Blog-1200x675.jpg (639x539, 84.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

for example, do guys like big boobs better with no ass? or no boobs with a big ass?

Attached: Co4trlVWcAA3W_X.jpg (1393x696, 184.83K)

Whatever the in-between of both pics are. Also, cars and speeding down the highway blasting trance.

>Also, cars and speeding down the highway blasting trance.

sounds kinda normie, not autistic

I'm a very prolific sneed poster

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Yeah, except I do this in my neighborhood with the windows completely down. I'd be embarrassed, but I'm good looking so I don't really care.

I watch the property market in my home city. If someone gave me their budget I could tell them where they could live and what kind of house they could expect to have. I could probably work in real estate.

Both is better. If I had to choose it would be big boobs.

I'm into philosophy

so ideally combined?

Attached: AsKoyrw.jpg (582x778, 96.17K)

this sounds unautistic

this sounds autistic

School shooters
North korea
Black metal

That is an attractive pic, shame about the cutting though.

Liberal Christianity
Crusader Kings II
Northern Regions of the World
Turkic Cultures

>music (pianist reporting)
>conspiracy theories
>organize everything by color
>beign ironic in a confusing way
>nutrition and cooking
>homeless people
>nonsense shitpost
>contemporary art
>elders life experiences (bonus points if >90 and mentally unstable, they're lifefuel for me)

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Driving fast
Porn to an unhealthy degree
Growing weed
Fidgeting with random stuff like a butterfly knife

i often fantasize about building a big model boat
filling it with a colony of ants
sailing it into the middle of a pond
and then blowing it up or setting it on fire
and watching it sink as hundreds/thousands of ant passengers die...
I also fantasize about doing the same thing with an RC airplane and then blowing it up mid flight
Is this what autism is?

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Try to thoroughly review everything I consoom

A failed effort.

Certified autist here
Forex trading

Collecting bottle deposits
Finding lost credit/debit cards (found 5)
Running a web store (since I don't have to interact with the customers beyond emails)

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how do you just "find" lost debit cards?

music theory
talking to cute girls

I'm too autistic to have any hobbies. The thought of expressing my interests in anything even to myself terrifies me.

Mostly by looking on the ground and being autistic.
Found three on bus stops. I assume people use the bus app on their phones and when they whip it out to pay as they see the bus coming they sometimes lose a card out of the phone case.
Parking lots outsides stores is where I found the other two.

I collect jahys. I spent hours snipping ones i liked directly from the manga and just searching for them online

Attached: cooljahy.jpg (640x640, 56.43K)

Public transport, public transport hubs (particularly airports.)
I like to look at airports on google maps and examine their design. It's interesting how there's different approaches to airport design, although I think a lot of time it's down to unrealistic ambition so runways end up getting closed.

Attached: Heathrow_Airport.jpg (1366x768, 1.11M)

My special interests are fashion & art history.

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Does Black Metal count?

Attached: woodsoftrees.jpg (691x410, 38.08K)

Depends how far your interest goes


Mainly historical.
>medieval agriculture
>knights of the early to high Middle Ages
>the Thirty Years' War
>the Reformation
>the history of tabletop roleplaying games
>the occult
>religion (both Christian theology and world religions)
>making dungeon maps in Excel

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What do you sell, if you don't mind me asking?

1st turns me on more but both are hot