Men don't even shave their own balls and expect women to suck on them yet have the audacity to get mad at women with...

Men don't even shave their own balls and expect women to suck on them yet have the audacity to get mad at women with body hair.

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How many times do we have to go over this? There is NO comparison between a penis and the slimy, putrid gash you animals have between your legs.

i shave my balls. i fucking wish their was an easier way to do it. i fucking hate using a razor to get rid of body hair in general

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spoken like a true homosexual who sucks cocks

>men don't shave their balls
I do it all the time, just because you're a nasty fuck that doesn't have good hygiene doesn't mean your male counter parts are all the same. You disgusting fuck

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nair is a thing but do not use it on your nuts trust me on that. Never do it.
Get used to it cunt

I neatly trim my balls and dickfro. I don't even mind some hair on the pussy, I'm even alright with a little on the arms and stomach and armpit, but please god shave your legs and back, that's all I'm asking for

I shave my balls AND find women with pubes hot get fucked

use nair on rectum. got it

Of course we don't shave them.
We wax them.
But that's besides the point.
The point is you probably don't give good cuddles and your opinion is therefore irrelevant under all circumstances

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Stop fucking trannies. Real women have no visible hair on the back.

Hair is natural you mega incel.

Do women struggle with ingrown hairs? I shaved my legs one time and the ingrown hairs were fucking awful

>Men don't even shave their own balls and expect women to suck on them
No I don't. Also it's much harder to shave testicles than pussy. It's like 100 times more difficult.

I actually like it when women have hairy bushes down there

I pluck out every single nut hair I have, and you can't do a single thing about you uncivilized shebeast.

My balls are aesthetic as fuck

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>Men don't even shave their own balls
Girl gets that offer every time, had not one take me up on it to date. Shave that slit and stop complainig

Weirdly, I only get ingrown hair when using an epilator. I should just stick to razors.

in what way, i shave my dick balls and ass every month when it becomes and jungle and its literally just grazing over them with a razor, i have never cut myself shaving

Why do women even shave their legs and arms? I get shaving your pits and vagina for hygiene reasons but having leg and arm hair makes no difference to your hygiene. I never had to shave mine because my hairs are thin and sparse enough for it not to be an "issue" by men, which is a societal bs standard put on women.

>i have never cut myself shaving
Well aren't you special. It's different landscaping across a field of stretchy skin far less stretchy labia. I've shaved my balls with a razor before (both manual and electric) and it's on par with defusing a fucking bomb because one slip and you can cut yourself good. I've had it happen before and at this point I'll trim them but it's nowhere near as dangerous for women in comparison to men.

If women had to shave hair off the surface of their clit they would understand. Also, if you really shave your dick, balls, and ass you're 100% a fag and your opinion belongs somewhere in the trash

I would neither shave my balls nor ask you to suck on them. I would, however, insist that you shave your legs. Everything else is up to you. I do keep my own pubes trimmed short, at least.

i use disposable 3 blade razors with no shaving cream but apparently im not as fucking retarded as you are. im also 10 times the man you are also seeing how i grow so much hair down there i have to fucking chop it all off or its just fucking disgusting. whatever, cry about how hard it is to trim your little cock and balls harder i guess

I've never fucked anyone, user. I actually seriously thought some women got back hair. The more I know

If you think a clit is as sensitive as a scrotum then you must be a desensitized cutfag whose dickhead is no more sensitive than his ballsack. Tragic.

Really? I agree with the dude above. I started shaving my balls young, with a two-blade razor no less. Shit is a million times easier than I thought it would be.
Ballskin just deforms perfectly to where I've never cut myself down there.
Honestly the patch of hair above the dick and the gooch leading to your ass was the hardest bit.
Balls take a while but are easy as fuck to scape.

I think some very hirsute ethnicities might, and women with PCOS.

I would say that would also be a very very bad idea

I can shave my balls AND eat hairy pussy. Get enrolled in jelly school

They'd do what you wanted if you were prettier.

i'm not shaving my balls ricky, fuck off

Whatever you do, you must never get NAIR on, in, or around the urethra. Please believe me. You might as well solve the Lament Configuration if you go down that path.

I have made this same mistake I am trying to tell them. They have no idea how painful that is.