Marriage and monogamy is over 2020. The 80/20 rule is starting to shift toward 90/10. The fact is all of thoes women could settle down with a partner tommorow but the men available to them are not considered high enough on the sexual market value scale. Remember that scale is income first, education second and looks last....... The top 80 percent of women will only consider the top 20 percent of men. This has been proven over and over again from every dating statistic we have on file. This thing is thoes top tier men can get who ever they want. The more educated women become and the less they physically need men the tighter their criteria becomes. This is a numbers game due to Hypergamy women will never settle for what they consider less and the numbers show there is just not enough men that exists on this planet that these women will consider acceptable.. The harsh reality is once these women hit the age of 30 all thoes men they have turned down will look a little more attractive then they use to.. The closer you see men and women get to "equality" the less you will see young people pairing. The women will hook up with the bad boys they crave that give them a perception of high sexual market value and then they will keep complaining about them on shows like this. And then men will continue to hook up as well with Marriage becoming the last thing on their mind. No reason to financially ruin yourself in a divorce when she decides she's unsatisfied in a few years and thinks she settled and decided to go fuck the very bad boy she complained about in this video...... The media is amazing beating their head on same wall over and over not understanding why things are not changing. Will people get married? Yes but overall Marriage is down birthrates are plummeting. Good bye traditional Marriage. Hello hook up culture and the single mother epidemic you are here to stay for a long long time
Women hate thread
Yakub eats fried chicken.
The "80/20" rule is ancient and severely outdated. it's been 90/10 for years now
Women are wonderful, we should dedicate the sum total of civilization to providing them an outlet for their most inner nature
I hope women truly enjoy the future, its EXACTLY what they wanted
Men are stronger as a whole, that 90% needs to force the top 10% into monogamy and torture anyone who has premarital sex.
If we didn't have so many cucks and consumers we could do it easily.
>implying its literally not womens nature to poison their environment to the best of their ability before moving on
Theyre pissing on the corpse of america because its funny to them, and they know their value will only exponentially go up in the NWO population replacement plan
They literally dont give a shit about anything other than who will win them in the end, this is unironically their nature
Women have zero loyalty or honour, those are 100% male concepts that they HATE
>years now
Fuck how long as Tinder been around? At least half a decade right?
I hope life doesn't ever get actually bad.
reminder - Yakub picks cotton in Elysium for Odin and Zeus
bohoo are you going to cry? be a fucking man, stop making cringe posts and work on yourself faggot
Yes, but they're also naturally submissive so as men we have to force them to behave. You don't blame a child for misbehaving as much as you would the parents.
The 90/10 rule is absolutely in effect right now. That is why you're seeing NORMIES ie. 6-7/10 guys on social media complaining about being lonely. Even they're not 'good enough' anymore.
reminder - there are cultists from Nation of Islam spreading anti-white messages everywhere on the internet.
>income first, education second and looks last
This may be true for post-wall women, but before the hit the Wall it's definitely
1. Looks
2. Income
3. Education
This. Who cares about education when they can bang some hot social media influencer.
At this point my only option is to * my sister
Im trying not to hate women I want to just fuck them and not care but seeing sluts everywhere is driving me mad
The 80/20 bs only seems to be a think because 20% of the men aren't trash, women deserve better.
Even the regular girls ie. your coworkers etc, guess their body counts?
is it pathetic that I know the hypnosis porn that the OP image is from
It's hard to comment on what women are really up to nowadays. Everything on social media is crafted for a response.
I don't think these threads are helping people like you or me. It's obvious that most people here don't really talk to women in real life and only judge them based on what they see online. I know this because I used to do the same.
>Inb4 simp/white knight
I'm just saying go talk to women in real life. Not through dating apps or social media, but face to face.
It helped me change my view on women.
Will we go to 95/5 soon?
The ratio is self correcting: when it gets to 95/5, people will start to realize the absurdity and be more open to dating, which will bring it back down to 90/10 or 85/15, and when it goes back down to those levels, they'll realize they want to date up again and the cycle repeats itself.
I see, that really tickles my pickle
That's Elena Koshka.
She's a super cute, sweet, even classy-looking porn star with tastefully small tits and ass who is 6ft tall.
Do not hate her.
I know she's still a porn whore, but she's such a cute, tall, slim, porn whore who doesn't look like a porn whore that she makes a great fantasy
She definitely loves the BBC
Well you hate women so go on Grindr and get TOPPED
Yeah, (((Greg Lansky))) makes sure to BLACK the cute, classy-looking porn whores that white guys would be disproportionately attracted to, to ruin them.
It's ridiculous because these girls often have very small, cute butts that black guys don't even like.
But (((Greg))) singles them out for BLACKING.
Fucking kike.
Bro fr too much text and bad formatting makes it hard to agree with you
She's super tall too.
I love tall women so much.
Imagine being this much of a fucking shill
Some people just get annoyed that there are such pretty white girls out there.