We're coming up to almost 6 months without beautiful angel ciara

We're coming up to almost 6 months without beautiful angel ciara.

>mfw no more Ciara Content

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>no more Ciara Content

She was the only reason I kept going.

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untrue unfortunately. youre still here

she had no idea you exist

I know your pain, user.
If my muse Marky had died in her place, I would've killed myself.
I can't live without her.

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>she had no idea you exist

i interacted with her a lot and even made her both smile and cry a few times.

she thought you were a worthless simp and laughed at how pathetic you were behind your back

Yet you fucking cunts STILL won't stop fucking posting about her.

Who the fuck is ciara and why should I care? Don't answer that, I need to make toast.