In Cuba, everyone is guaranteed healthcare, education and a house or apartment, even if they don't want to work.
Imagine your most basic needs being taken care of and money only being necessary if you want anything beyond that.
In Cuba, everyone is guaranteed healthcare, education and a house or apartment, even if they don't want to work.
Imagine your most basic needs being taken care of and money only being necessary if you want anything beyond that.
>even if they don't want to work
I'm not sure if that part is necessarily true, though.
You also have a 70% higher chance of ending up on liveleak if you go outside ever
Yeah Im in America. India and Portugal even have free healthcare. INDIA
>goes outside
welp at least i got healthcare!
In Finland it is pretty much the same. Some people here hate the imagrants but i don't mind. Finland is pretty much a robot country. I like it here.
"America" is not a country tho. Why are yanks so selfish?
What? There's very little violent crime in Cuba.
Why would you die when you went outside? What do you people think Cuba is? Americans are retarded
What about getting TOPPED on Grindr you are missing out
More likely to happen in the US
The US was founded on being able to do your own thing. It was a cool philosophy to have when the country didn't exist yet and everyone was on their own, but nowadays it's self destructive.
cuba is niggers
Sounds comfy senpai. i just wanna be a commie hikiko furry who cuddles with a qt braixen body pillow on the havana shoreline.
great. i claim cuba for Wakanda
"If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking is freedom."
(Dwight Eisenhower)
>falling for the capitalist illusion of freedom/choice meme
haha good luck; unless you inherited wealth from the elite and have clinical psychopathy - you'll be doomed to backstabbing, lifelong anxiety, consoomerism and fighting for crumbs.
and delicious fried chicken
Lol prison would be the last place I feel secure.
>you'll be doomed to backstabbing, lifelong anxiety, consoomerism and fighting for crumbs.
You mean just like you are under any flavor of collectivism?
lemme guess, you're white
you don't know what the fuck prison is, I hope you never have to go in that clueless, you better hope you survive the first phone call if you do
>comparing prison to an island where your basic needs are taken care of by the government and you're free to do pretty much anything else you want
Americans really live by the "work makes you free" mentality, don't they?
>and you're free to do pretty much anything else you want
Well in America I can tell anyone I care to that the leaders of my country are war criminals and ought to be jailed if not executed. How far would I get in Cuba if I said the same things about the Castros?
In Cuba, new doctors have to spend the first two years of their career working in the countryside, or Cuba's equivalent to Appalachia, before they get to go to Havana or wherever. They see it as a duty they have to pay to their country.
Anyway, I don't really trust any American capitalist's opinion on socialism because Americans are raised to hate it so much that any bit of human kindness is considered communist propaganda. I'd rather listen to people who have actually lived through socialism.
>I get to say that my leaders are war criminals
>nothing will actually happen but I get to say it
Yes Cuba will probably lock you up for criticizing the government. That's not cool. But you get a free fucking house. If Trump gave everyone in the US free houses, healthcare and college, he'd get my vote every four years.
desu; i'd rather be guaranteed free everything and free resources/accommodations so long as I don't defy the government as opposed to murican lifelong social darwinist dog eat dog bullshit.
kek. cuban universities give out their degrees as status symbols to sons of prominent party figures and military leaders. they're not real doctors. cuban government sent a group of 50 doctors to assist my country (venezuela) with COVID and they had to go back after a few weeks because our hospitals complained they were utterly useless.
whenever a rich ruban gets ill they get on a private jet to miami for medical treatment.
How can people look at commie ass holes with anything but disdain? They killed thousands of Americans, British, French, Canadians, Australians, all the other good guys. They stood ready to invade western Europe for 50 years. Even now they are getting their tentacles in every western government. Building islands in scs, recolonizing Africa, funding drug cartels and trying to topple American hegemony.
How is the quality of life?
Are most people content?
I assume there are no homeless?
How does the whole thing even work?
How much taxes do people pay?
>"I'll do anything you say, government, so long as you give me stuff"
>get stuff for a while
>later, after you've proven to be docile and helpless, government says "It's no longer in our interest to support you."
What happens now?
not op, but...
>How is the quality of life?
>Are most people content?
>I assume there are no homeless?
shit ton
>How does the whole thing even work?
conform to the gov't if you want to get these "benefits"
>How much taxes do people pay?
too much
>source: my freshly cleaned ass
Not to imply you're lying but after your country's coup and the way your new "president" is getting sucked off by the US, I question anything coming out of Venezuela.
The exact same can be said about literally every powerful country on earth. The reason they killed so many Americans is because Americans couldn't stop fucking with them. If you decide to pick up guns and fly to another country to terrorize them over an economic system they chose and you end up getting shot, I don't feel bad for you. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
Why are Europeons so pro-commie? Why do they hate America? Americas decline will only benefit China. You will not get your empires back.
Which president do you mean. we have an illegitimate communist one (currently in power thanks to military support from Cuba) and a legitimate one which wasn't allowed to take office.