Femanons, which body do you prefer?

Femanons, which body do you prefer?

Attached: 1579060062116.png (1080x1115, 1.15M)

3 or maybe 4

It's all about the face, nigger

the difference between nattymax and roids is the differerence between 4 and 5

i think 3 and 4 but without the muscles ; - ;
or 8 without the belly

None of these are the average male body; it goes from skinny twink, to 5 varieties of ripped chad, to fat bastard

Between seven and 8

This picture is stupid as fuck. 3 is natty limit after years of constant training and dieting, 4 but with a bit of fat rather than being totally ripped would be possible for someone who is genetically advantaged in that way.

2 looks pathetic in this context, but that guy IRL would be fitter and stronger than more than 90% of people easily.

dont forget height and dicksize

2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 look like they could kick some ass if they tried.