I finished school a while ago...

I finished school a while ago. Today I was checked by a controller and said that my bus ticket expires in less than 10 days. I can also no longer pick up bus tickets for free because I'm done with the school and I always got it from the school for free. I didn't use the bus and train often, but now I can't go to McDonalds and stuff. I also can't go on the usual night rides at 10pm. Bus tickets are also expensive as fuck (2,65euros for one ticket) and I can't get one free either. What do?

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just get a monthly subscription. it's probably 10 euros for a couple months if not less. idk what country you're from tho

It's 60euros
I'm from germany btw

how is mcdonalds in germany?
does the food taste better?

Try not being europoor lmfao

easy to say this, i hate being europoor. you merican fuckers have no idea how good you have it. pls someone teach me how to be rich

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Fahrrad du Hartzer

then i suggest getting a bike. they're popular in germany and also some light physical activity is good for you, user

Not him but we have McRib the whole year

>Go to McDonald's before it expires
>Get job
>Surprise, you can afford the bus tickets
>Apply for other jobs after you have done the above

It's not hard, you're just lazy

Yes. They have high quality standarts

Kann kaum 2km laufen

Weiner schnitzel, ja ja

oh that's nice. the only other mcdonalds i've been to outside the US were in France, Spain, and Russia, and all three had food that tasted way better than US

Germany has waaaaay higher standarts than any other country (even counting european countrys) you can literally live of tap water if you want to

>You can live off of tap water
Yeah, for a week or so. However long it takes to die from starvation

You actually die after a month or so of starvation. Being fat also helps

Idk where you live, but I join a 4 year college degree get a new student ID and leave the course and use that for my bus travels, since college and uni is free if you had high grades in school where I live.

> work for one month
> afford a year round bus tickets

Get a car?
Retard piece of shit.

I know my fat would come in for something

Fucking americanofaggots cant into appeal of stress free and obligation free chilly bus rides.

This, it scares me sometimes to think that people actually live in america, the scariest part is that they are propagandized to believe they live in a good country, at least some nigger in an African shithole is self aware enough to know he lives in a shithole.

Imagine not having free health care and a goverment that provides help for shitty lowlife neets.
America is truly a shit hole.

Yet you browse our website and we live rent free in your head. Seethe more, europoors.

So I get to enjoy the fruits of vile american capitalism where the only thing where they care about profit, while I get a tax payed education and will never be too poor to live. Sounds like we are both happy with our ends of the deal, great.

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get a job you euro nigger

>neet coping

How is this coping? tell me a single reason why I would ever want to live in Ameristan

kek what a young fucking useless retard, just walk

Ah, nothing like commuting for 6 hours a day on foot.

>now I can't go to McDonalds and stuff
Now I can't eat shitty food mixed with 50% cardboard. Why would you do that anyway?