He thinks he'll get laid while being a racist

>he thinks he'll get laid while being a racist

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>be me
>openly racist
>have had 3 gfs

>be me
>lost my v card in 9th grade

the entire world doesn't think like a hivemind, kid. I'm not throwing away my individuality by allowing the kike mainstream media to brainwash me into thinking we are all equal.




what kind of sheltered virgin made this thread

some liberal antifa personality that took the blue pill.

all of these snowflakes are a hivemind, and anyone that commits wrongspeak or wrongthink gets targeted.

((they)) are very good at making us fight each other.

retarded breadstick-armed little neonazis larping

my forearms are quite thicc, thank you very much.

and how am I retarded? please explain. I refuse to let the mainstream media dictate how I think and act. how is that retarded? it's not.

the white race is very obviously under attack/being targeted.

do you just expect me to be a guilty white liberal that constantly apologizes and lets everyone walk all over him?


Quite a large generalization. Even if we pretend racist and apathetic women don't exist, many people simply won't care in the heat of the moment.

>still no explanation on why I'm retarded because it knows that I speak some spicy truths

worthless fucking faggot

Morals do NOT matter when it comes to sex, dating and attraction. It literally comes down to power and how pretty you look.

I knew a white dude from college, racist mother fucking dude. Got in multiple fights with the black kids (this is at an 'elite' school mind you) for saying nigger, said chinks don't belong in America, women are inferior, had an insane arrest record, the whole nine yards. This dude ran through black girls, brown girls and fucked the hottest chick (a hapa) in the entire Greek system behind a fucking dumpster before settling with the 2nd hottest girl who was a blonde Stacy because he didn't want to "dirty his genes with Asian shit". Some of the girls he smashed were vocally lefty and got blacklisted from our frat because they were known to accuse dudes of rape.

Meanwhile the decent brown dudes in our circle and liberal/closet racist white dudes, got laid here and there, but they never slayed like this dude did, and they didn't get the same amount of adoration. It was possibly the most redpilling moment for me in my entire life.

Literally just be attractive and have social standing and you can indeed grab women by the pussy. Being an antiracist won't necessarily get you laid.

>he thinks women care what you think or about politics at all
almost all of them dont give a fuck. women dont know when any war happened, have zero racial pride, at the same time wont bother asking how you feel about man shit like race relations or political bullshit. they dont care. they just try mimicing what the believe the popular opinion is and dont care about what you personally believe.
every girlfriend ive had slowly finds out how much of a "nazi" I am or whatever, and they still dont care because they are currently fucking and dating me. I could have mentioned I am a serial killer and they still wouldnt care.

Being racist is actually what got me laid, some woke SJW BLM girl thought she could change me with sex. If anything, the opposite happened.

The most racist person I know is a Latina girl
>also every egf I had hated or was weary of niggers

Obviously you dont go full 1488 when you want to bang a modern slur, dumbass.

Funny you should mention serial killers. They are known to get letters from horny women when they are in prison.

Is that what she actually thought, or was that what it looked like?
Are women legit that retarded?

I'm a neonazi and my gf is half asian

Do you actually believe that post?

It's true fuck off

She actually believed that stuff, and constantly tried to convince and convert me, that I was wrong and shouldn't be racist and all that.

I have known girls who legitimately been tied to pieces of shit thinking they can change him, so anything is possible.
That being said, BLM is the default normie cult right now, and cancel culture is bad enough that if the guy was not attractive enough, I can see her leaving in disgust and trying to call his employer.
Or it could all be a LARP.

The chad in my class back then would always talk about nazis and hitler gleefully when we had to make presentations and shit. The girls would always gather around him during breaks. It was like they gravitated towards him. Literally just him with all the girls in a circle. Only had stacy gf's and he is a doctor now. Girls don't care as long as you're charming.

Insane. I have had women block me for commenting that white people as a group arent bad when they were posting their ignorant BLM propaganda instead of inviting me over to discuss it or whatever and then turn the meeting into sex.
I guess I am just not that attractive.

If you're handsome you'll get a lot of pussy. If you're ugly you won't. That simple.
However, an ugly normie has a better shot than an ugly racist, because he's less of a pariah.

Well I am decently attractive even if I lack a personality.

That might be it yes.

>pretend racist and apathetic women don't exist
This is true but those same women are usually shitty redneck inbred retards like the dudes they fuck. Nothing of value lost there. Not like any self respecting women of worth would actually lay with any of them kek

Except it isn't true larping faggot. How pathetic must your life be that you've been reduced to larping on r9k, I unrionically feel bad for you.


Back to r*ddit you fuck

hapa moment

>only white women lay with racists! no black woman ever would!
dude you're sadly deluded

>the entire world doesn't think like a hivemind, kid.
sperglord detected

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Get in, women will make sure racism doesn't propagate to future generations

Thank you women, for your amazing work