Are fujos based or cringe?

Are fujos based or cringe?

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2D > Based
3D > Cringe

there was a fujo femanon masturbating in a thread a couple weeks ago. so i'm gonna go with fujos are based
i think its pretty cute when girls get that into porn

Fujos who self insert as the seme are based.

they don't exist, not like what you are thinking.

>tfw used to talk about yaoi with some fujos in high school
>they all thought I was gay
jokes on them I was bisexual the whole time

Extremely based. I've dreamed of simping for a fujo femanon for years, but it's hard to find any who will give you the time of day. They're like the stacies of the otaku world. The closest I got was one fujo who let me send her $150 worth of giftcards for anime merch before she ghosted me.

>They're like the stacies of the otaku world
Costhots are the stacies. Fujo are closer to coomers.

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what the fuck is a fujo
I googled it and I still can't figure it out
is it just a girl who likes hentai?

Short for fujoshi
It's a girl who likes yaoi specifically