She can't legally give consent because she's 17 years and 11 months old

>she can't legally give consent because she's 17 years and 11 months old

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lol why do you need to go after children? why does it matter if a child is 17? date some your own age you sick fuck.

fucking retard why do you want to date teenagers so bad

>American thinks 18 is the age of consent
its not even the age of consent in the majority of your states lmao

Fucking amerifats. Do you not see the light?!

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Go back you stupid cracker fucks I hope your family dies from the china virus

unironically get cancer you fucking subhumans, being this braindead should be a crime

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normies unironically say shit like this, it's embarassing
I'll tell them about the time I dated a 14yo just piss them off, and they try to scare me saying stuff like they will call the police, not knowing it's legal in my country
burgers deserve to be castrated

pedos are upset uh ho guys everyone be afraid

Only 5 states have the age of consent at 18, zero IQ faggots like OP dont even know how to bait correctly

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