Does a cartoon drawing of a cow being killed evoke any sadness or emotion in you?

Does a cartoon drawing of a cow being killed evoke any sadness or emotion in you?

Attached: 1594612215193.png (460x345, 238.47K)

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Negative. It's a merciful kill desu

Attached: rpmyldwlcf5k6oueu2vtlrfivlxnj73i_hq.jpg (728x455, 29.03K)

That's a stunner retard.

I feel sad that am killing it, specially if I was the one raising It. But, I killed goats and pigs, so It doesn't stick for a long time :(

yes. it makes me very sad. cows are not very smart from my experience with them but they do feel very sympathetic, big beady eyes and they do get a feel for you and recognize you. i do not miss however having to throw away their shit.

no but for some reason the drawing made me laugh at first glance

It makes me feel disappointed in people.

ya. no good, bad feels, do not like.

I thought the ear tag was an anime sweat drop

A death for no reason is murder

Attached: MorrisseyManchester55-640x480.jpg (616x412, 37.58K)

No, the cartoon is far too over the top

Which is why we eat them, to honour their sacrifice.

It doesnt even look like its evoking emotion in the cow

it really makes me think
is there a better way?
did the artist really have to draw a tear drop?

No. That's pretty hot actually.

Mmmm, steak...

How does this make you feel, user?

no it makes me question if that gun was drew by the same guy who made THAT shotgun from fallout 3

>their sacrifice
that sounds like it willingly went to the slaughter house

Attached: 1591906986045(1).jpg (186x356, 10.06K)

No, death of the pixels brings no sadness

Fuck you
As if my day wasn't bad enough now I see this shit
I would without hesitation trade myself for the cow

Not visceral enough. Youll need to dig deeper.

It kinda makes me want steak

Hey Veganon pick up the slack

Well the cow isn't being killed, hell that could be a toy gun for all we know
Or empty
Or filled with blanks
Maybe a russian roullete game, I dont know
Or maybe it will get killed, but it isn't dying yet. Only when the bullet hits it

The cow looks happy. It probably understands that it is actually a form of human food and providing essential nutrients for lots of people.

Im more sad by food waste than about food getting made.

the cow will know peace, his journey is at an end

Made me laugh. Just imagine if all cows came with an illustrated ownership manual, and this was a page titled -Decommissioning your Cow-.

The fuck are you doing where you have to throw away cow shit

Not in that particular picture. Where did you find that, wikihow?
If it was a cute chibi anime cow, then yeah I would probably feel bummed out.

I swear to god, if any of you self proclaimed empaths claim to feel emotional distress over a fictional photo of a real scenario you better be vegetarian.

Yeah I guess it does and the cruelest part is well never know if that cow worked out the key to eternal life
Because we can't talk to cows :(

same with me, it seemed kinda funny

Also Op are Yiu vegan cos can I ask why vegans get so flaming angry

I'm depressed enuf as it is what do they actually propose to do shot a bolt into my head ? Because they haven't invited me round to diner or ever been nice to me all they do do IS DRIVE UP THE PRICE OF VEGETABLES !!!
If vegans cared about animal welfare they should get jobs on the bleeding farms and slaughter houses to ensure the best quality or life and humaen practice because DEMONIZING PEOPLE Paint a back picture and attracts bad people to the food industry stupid fucking cauliflower heads

Nope. I recently watched footage of sausage getting made from slaughter to actually getting filled up in cases and I felt nothing. Then again I spent a lot of time on Liveleak watching gory videos and it still didn't do anything for me. The only thing about death that I find somewhat disturbing is the smell.

Also more and more shops in England Have stoped stocking free rage foods because of stupid diet fad bullshiters and now everyone else has to buy if they want to buy meat unethical shit

>be killed quickly and painlessly
>finally out of this garbage world
god I was that were me