Human Benchmark

Post your results, robros. We all know there's nothing better to do.

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Good thing you posted the link. Here you go.

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If you need handy tips and tricks on remembering numbers, I usually associate each single-digit one with a certain concept. This way, you can make up a story in your head as you go.
0 - nihilism
1 - idk but one is easy desu
2 - the number of years it takes a human to achieve full consciesness over his actions; I usually imagine a baby with a toy in its hand
3 - Tesla said something about thinking in terms of three if you want to unlock the universe, so I tend to think of stairs and asteroids and spaceships and far away galaxies
4 - luck, I try to form a mental image of the four leaf clover
5 - that's the highest rating, since ten isn't a single-digit number (I think of a nice judge)
6 - evil
7 - I tend to think of the lottery, but the pyramids or any of the world's seven wonders are cool too
8 - infinity
9 - nine isn't very special to me, so I remember it as the least special and it works
bye user

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Are multiple attempts allowed? Feel like I could've improved on some.

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nothing better to do. subhuman detected

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>poor reaction time and aim
don't ever talk to me or my e-sports team again

It's okay fren, I'm a fast typer so I could schedule all your matches
Seeing both our reaction times, I don't think either would notice if the other attempted taking the test multiple times desu

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Too depressed to do it. I can't do anything. No energy left. Dying. Every result would be zero.

>not having a reaction time of at least 170 ms

No wonder most of you are hard stuck in silver and bronze