Post your results, robros. We all know there's nothing better to do.
Human Benchmark
Good thing you posted the link. Here you go.
If you need handy tips and tricks on remembering numbers, I usually associate each single-digit one with a certain concept. This way, you can make up a story in your head as you go.
0 - nihilism
1 - idk but one is easy desu
2 - the number of years it takes a human to achieve full consciesness over his actions; I usually imagine a baby with a toy in its hand
3 - Tesla said something about thinking in terms of three if you want to unlock the universe, so I tend to think of stairs and asteroids and spaceships and far away galaxies
4 - luck, I try to form a mental image of the four leaf clover
5 - that's the highest rating, since ten isn't a single-digit number (I think of a nice judge)
6 - evil
7 - I tend to think of the lottery, but the pyramids or any of the world's seven wonders are cool too
8 - infinity
9 - nine isn't very special to me, so I remember it as the least special and it works
bye user
Are multiple attempts allowed? Feel like I could've improved on some.
nothing better to do. subhuman detected
>poor reaction time and aim
don't ever talk to me or my e-sports team again
It's okay fren, I'm a fast typer so I could schedule all your matches
Seeing both our reaction times, I don't think either would notice if the other attempted taking the test multiple times desu
Too depressed to do it. I can't do anything. No energy left. Dying. Every result would be zero.
>not having a reaction time of at least 170 ms
No wonder most of you are hard stuck in silver and bronze