1 Year Anniversary

And nothing of value was lost.
Should we have an unofficial holiday on July 14th for her?

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>there are people here who still think she was asking for it or even deserved it.

*cracks open cold beer from my fridge in the garage*
to bianca!
*toasts bianca*

It's been a year already? Also, I think it's funny how the media made her out to be some sort of angel when this all happened.

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she did.
This was an original post.

Turned that bitch into a Pez dispenser.

Reminder that he killed her because she hooked up with the tripfag Donatello aka oipu on discord.

Thats always the case. I see why though, you don't want to encourage this shit.

I dont who these people are.can someone explain to me?

Both were shitheads.

what does oipu look like tho

An e-girl who was massive jailbait on Zig Forums got killed by someone she was seeing because she cheated on him with a 4chinz user. The loser forgot to kill himself properly and is now being raped in prison, or whatever.

White, thin, and near seven foot tall

i dont mean to victim blame but there is a type of girl that lends themselves to being victims by not being very careful with how they treat people.

I wonder how close ciara and bianca were. They must have had a strange bond. Mentally ill w/fucked up pasts, the sex, the drugs, scamming people, orbiters...

Yeah I get what you mean. Brandon is the virgin version of Brendon Tarrant though.

>Mentally ill w/fucked up pasts, the sex, the drugs, scamming people, orbiters...
In that case most girls who come here have a strange bond. Is that Death-chan 15 year old still here? Or did she leave after someone doxxed her BLM loving ass?

There's no evidence she did it, I imagine its another Zig Forums user looking for fame and clout claiming

Then why did Brandon call her a whore? This super blurry screenshot says otherwise. I got this shit a week after the incident.

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It was confirmed in news articles by authors that coddled Biancas mother that Biancas DMs about kissing Oipu/Donatello were real. Im kind of surprised he didnt get more attention. Dont think he would have handled it well so good he didnt get more
Thats from an Incel from Incels.co that cum tributed her dead body and sent it to her mom

Well then, the guy who sent me that was a bit misinformed.

>there are people who still spend time thinking about some random literally who thot getting killed ONE YEAR LATER
do you not have anything else going on in your life that some nobody cunt is worth spending your mental energies on? why not spend that energy learning something new and useful

Hi there, mini-Brandon.

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It's a dark, sad tale. It's an educational lesson about the dangers of the internet. E-thots, orbiters, sex, drugs...

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>do you not have anything else going on in your life
>why not spend that energy learning something new and useful

Said while posting on an anonymous imageboard.

does anybody have kaspers reaction to her death? when did kasper fuck marc as well.

...the friendly ghost.

Hey isn't "she" a trap?

Whom ever that is probs had a reaction like..


1 year into nexflix and chill.

She gives you that decapitated dead corpse look.

Her bf comes over and slaps your ass.

What do?

She didn't deserve it, but she definitely had it coming.

They forgot about her 2 weeks later. Remember that livestream a while back? Her mother was trying to sell shirts lmfao

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

No one deserves anything but she was for sure hitting a hornets nest with a baseball bat, poking a bear...


I think everyone's



Do you think she's burning in hell right now?

She is probs lighting up a fat blunt with satan as she snorts a crushed oxy off his cock, right before he takes her to pound town and throws her off a cliff.